WFP Palestine Emergency Response – IPC analysis concludes that Gaza already surpassed the acute food insecurity threshold of famine – Situation Report 12


04 January 2024


Situation Report 12


• According to IPC data analysis, the risk of famine increases each day as the current conflict continues and restricted humanitarian access persists. IPC analysis concludes that people in Gaza have already surpassed the acute food insecurity threshold of famine. At least one in four households, more than half a million people, is facing catastrophic acute food insecurity conditions. These alarmingly elevated levels of acute food insecurity are unprecedented in recent history.

• WFP continues to deliver food parcels, wheat flour, hot meals, fortified date bars and biscuits and Lipid Nutrient Supplements (LNS) to people inside and outside shelters in Gaza. Distributions remain largely limited to Rafah, while other areas are occasionally reachable through partners.

• In addition to working with partners, WFP began large-scale distributions through community leaders to accelerate distributions and reach more people in informal camps.

• As needs are soaring, WFP requires a minimum of USD 314 million to sustain its emergency response for up to 1.1 million affected people until April 2024. The response is currently 58 percent funded.


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