NGO Action News – 8 September 2017

Civil Society and the Question of Palestine

8 September 2017


  • On 6 September, the Observatory for Human Rights Defenders, a partnership between the World Organization against Torture (OMCT) and the Worldwide Movement for Human Rights (FIDH), issued an Urgent Appeal for letters urging the Israeli authorities to release French-Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hamouri, reportedly arrested by Israeli forces in Jerusalem on 23 August.
  • On 25 August, Amnesty International provided background information about Israeli Military Order 101, a law which has been in place since 1967, banning Palestinians in the West Bank from organizing protests.
  • Oxfam International is providing on its website a “Timeline: The Humanitarian Impact of the Gaza Blockade”.

Middle East

  • In November 2017 and March 2018, the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD) is organizing study tours to Palestine/Israel.
  • On 10 October, Ir Amim is conducting a study tour in East Jerusalem.
  • In a press release issued on 9 September, Al Haq condemned the eviction of the Shamasneh family from their home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem.
  • On 7 September, the Palestinian Center for Human Rigths (PCHR) demanded the release of Palestinian human rights defender and coordinator of Youth against Settlements Issa Amro, reportedly arrested by the Palestinian Preventive Security Service in Hebron on 3 September.
  • In relation to a new Israeli military order establishing an independent municipal services administration for settlers in Hebron, Badil provided an analysis on 6 September (“New Hebron Military Order takes another Step towards Annexation”) and Peace Now on 4 September (“Updates on Developments in Hebron”).
  • In relation to reported plans to expel residents of the Palestinian West Bank villages Sussia and Khan al-Ahmar, on 4 September, B’Tselem wrote to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu an open letter, expressing grave concern that such an act would constitute forcible transfer in violation of international humanitarian law, a war crime that should be prevented.
  • According to Hamoked, in September 2017, 6098 mostly Palestinian “security” prisoners were held in Israeli prisons; of those, 449 were being held under administrative detention orders, without charge or trial.
  • Information about Israeli legislation applicable to human rights organizations and other NGOs is available in the “Overview of Anti-Democratic Legislation in the 20th Knesset”,  issued by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI).

North America




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