News archives 2013

UN rights expert warns that all Brazilians must have access to water, sanitation

Catarina de Albuquerque

20 December 2013 – Brazilian authorities need to give further priority to the poorest and most marginalized, to ensure that inequalities in the country are progressively eliminated and all receive access to sanitation and water, an independent United Nations human rights expert urged. Wrapping up her first official mission to Brazil, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, said that Brazil was a "country of contrasts".

Former UN General Assembly President appointed to disaster risk reduction, water post

Han Seung-soo

19 December 2013 – Han Seung-soo of the Republic of Korea has been appointed to rally commitments from Member States, the private sector and civil society to support the United Nations’ work on water related disaster risk reduction. Mr. Han will be Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Envoy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Water, a position is particularly relevant given the advancements being made on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda to follow the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Environment should play greater role in peacebuilding, UN reports

Cover of report The Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration

9 December 2013 – Natural resources – which, in many conflict-affected countries, fuel and finance armed groups – can also play a major role in bringing about sustainable peace; the United Nations has reported urging Governments and partners to integrate natural resource management in post-conflict reintegration programmes. Incorporating natural resources in peacebuilding efforts can help to mitigate potential conflicts, such as disputes over land or water, and give green jobs to former soldiers, according to a joint report released on 9 December by UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
>> Access the report PDF document

Water goals have big costs and bigger returns

Cover of report Catalyzing water for sustainable Development and growth

2 December 2013 – Meeting anticipated world water goals requires an annual global investment of $840 billion – $1.8 trillion over the next 20 years, but could also deliver more than $3 trillion annually in economic, environmental and social benefits, according to the recently published report Catalyzing Water for Sustainable Development and Growth. Produced by UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) and the UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), this is the first report of its kind to offer an evidence-based analysis of the opportunities available for water integration in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report focuses on such benefits as direct economic return, livelihood creation, health system savings, and the preservation of nature’s ecosystem services, among other benefits.
>> Access the report.PDF document

Bimonthly Publications Review 19 just released!

Bimonthly Publications Review 19

30 November 2013 – Every two months, the Bimonthly Publications Review highlights the latest publications produced by United Nations agencies and programmes on issues related to water and sanitation. Publications included in the review are freely accessible from the web.
>> Access issue 19PDF document

UN agency names cricket ‘Blaster’ as ambassador for hygiene, sanitation in South Asia

The Government of India is aiming at institutionalising handwashing with soap in schools before Mid Day Meal amongst 110 million children. Photo: UNICEF India/2013/Romana

29 November 2013 – Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar is going to bat for hygiene and sanitation in South Asia, promoting the use of toilets and hand washing, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) announced. UNICEF named Mr. Tendulkar, known as the “Master Blaster”, to support its work in the region with the lowest access to toilets worldwide. Every year, more than half a million South Asian children under the age of five die of diarrhoea, caused by unsafe drinking water, lack of sanitation and poor hygiene behaviours, according to UNICEF.

The UN-Water conference in preparation for World Water Day concludes: Cooperation between water and energy and with Governments recognized as vital to securing services required in the near future

hashtag. World Water Day 2014

13 16 January 2014. Zaragoza, Spain – United Nations experts, case study representatives, industry delegates and key professionals from around the World meet in Zaragoza, Spain, from 13 to 16 January in preparation for World Water Day 2014.

Held annually by UN-Water on March 22, this year focus is drawn towards the nexus of water and energy. The inter-linkages and interdependencies of these two vital areas will be discussed in terms of challenges faced by a growing population and increased demand by over 100 specialists from a variety of United Nations organisations and programmes, Non-Governmental Organizations, private companies and Government bodies.

The conference will emphasise the importance of collaboration through partnerships in meeting these challenges. All contributions will be considered in preparation for World Water Day 2014, which will be introduced by Zafar Adeel, from the United Nations University (UNU). UNU, together with UNIDO, are leading this year’s World Water Day.

Water and energy face enormous challenges that affect supply and demand of both water and energy. With an expected population growth from 7 billion today to 9 billion by 2050, economic growth, increased standards of living in developing and emerging countries and the pressures of climate change, the burden on water and energy independently are enormous. The World needs to provide adequate electricity to the more than 1.4 billion people who are without it and supply sustainable water to the 768 million people who do not have access.

You can follow the conference webcast at the conference website.

>> Press release
>> Conference website

With food still priority in typhoon-hit Philippines, UN boosts relief efforts

Families in the Philippines queue up to receive food rations, including WFP rice, from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. Photo: WFP

26 November 2013 – The United Nations is mustering planes, ferries and trucks to boost its relief efforts in the Philippines, with food still a priority almost three weeks after Typhoon Haiyan ripped into the country, killing over 5,230 people and affecting more than 13 million others, nearly 3.5 million of them left homeless. Besides, an estimated 240,000 people still remain in some 1,100 centres in overcrowded conditions with limited water and sanitation facilities.

The Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation is seeking your engagement!

The Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque

The UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque, is seeking engagement with States and other stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities provided by the realisation of the human rights to water and sanitation, and to seek input through the proposal of case studies, comments and other experience that States would like to share on the realisation of the human rights to water and sanitation. Ms. Albuquerque encourages contributions by 13 December 2013.
>> More info
>> Questionnaire for contributionsWord document

The Water for Life Decade's Office launches a monograph on "Water cooperation

Monograph on water cooperation

19 November 2013 – On the occasion of World Toilet Day, the Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations and the Water for Life Decade's Office launched today in New York a monograph on water cooperation. The monograph "Water cooperation", produced in collaboration with the World Council of Civil Engineers and Aquae Foundation, summarizes United Nations contributions and key experiences on water cooperation.
>> Access the monograph "Water cooperation"PDF document

World Toilet Day: UN urges breaking taboos, making sanitation for all a global reality

Children investigate their community's newly improved toilets, one of UNOCI's quick impact projects (QIPS) which supported the rehabilitation of schools and toilets in Abidjan. UN Photo/Patricia Esteve

19 November 2013 – With its first official observance of World Toilet Day, the United Nations called on the international community to help break taboos around toilets, which are still out of reach to more than one-third of the global population, and make sanitation a global development priority. "Despite the compelling moral and economic case for action on sanitation, progress has been too little and too slow," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the Day, noting that sanitation is central to human and environmental health, and essential for sustainable development, dignity and opportunity.
>> Secretary General’s message for World Toilet Day

Deputy UN chief says World Toilet Day helps break taboos, promote human dignity

Jan Eliasson. Deputy UN chief

19 November 2013 – United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson has, on behalf of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, taken up the call to mobilize global action to effectively tackle the sanitation crisis. On World Toilet Day 2013, Mr. Eliasson spoke to the UN News Centre about why it is vitally necessary to make progress to improve hygiene, change social norms, better manage human waste and waste-water systems, and, ultimately, eliminate open-air defecation, which perpetuates a vicious cycle of disease and entrenched poverty.
>> Interview with Mr. Eliasson

UN launches $301 million appeal for typhoon-ravaged Philippines

A man carrying his children in Tacloban, Leyte, Philippines, after Super Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) hit the province. Photo: UNICEF

12 November 2013 – The United Nations appealed for nearly a third of a billion dollars to provide humanitarian assistance to typhoon hit regions of the Philippines where aid workers are labouring around the clock to get in urgently needed survival supplies, such as food, clean water, shelter and basic medicines. UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos launched the $301 million flash appeal from Manila, the capital, where she is surveying the damage by Typhoon Haiyan which ripped through nine regions in south-east Asia over the weekend. “The appeal of $301 million covers an initial period of six months,” said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) spokesperson, Jens Laerke, in Geneva.

Philippines: UN working around the clock to reach thousands affected by typhoon

An average of 20 typhoons a year strike the Philippines. Photo: IRIN/Jason Gutierrez

10 November 2013 – United Nations agencies are working closely with the Government of the Philippines to reach those affected by the super typhoon Haiyan, as the number of reported casualties continues to rise and access remains a challenge in many areas. In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was extremely concerned by the impact of the typhoon, which has reportedly caused some 10,000 casualties, displaced more than 650,000 people and affected 9.5 million people.

Empowering women to manage natural resources vital for conflict recovery

Gum arabic farmer from the Jawama'a tribe in El Darota, Northern Kordofan, Sudan. Photo: UNEP/Grant Wroe-Street

6 November 2013 – Giving women access to and control of natural resources such as land, water, forests and minerals is essential to ensure war-torn countries can achieve long-term peace, according to a United Nations report released on 6 November. The report, Women and natural resources: Unlocking the peacebuilding potential, states that while women in conflict-affected countries are often primarily responsible for meeting the water, food and energy needs of households and communities, they are largely excluded from owning land, benefiting from resource wealth, or participating in decisions about resource management.
>> Access the reportPDF document

2013 International Hydrology Prize awarded to Professor Günther Blöschl

©IAHS. Günter Blöschl, centre, receives the prize from Gordon Young (IAHS) and Bruce Stewart (WMO)

5 November 2013 – The 2013 International Hydrology Prize has been awarded to Professor Günther Blöschl of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in Austria in recognition of his pioneering work on linking patterns and processes in catchment hydrology and for his inspirational leadership in advancing Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB). The International Hydrology Prize is awarded annually on an individual basis in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the science. The Committee consists of the President and a Vice-President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and representatives of UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

UN entities say post-2015 development agenda must address inequity in access to clean water, sanitation

UN entities say post-2015 development agenda must address inequity in access to clean water, sanitation

30 October 2013 – Member States must ensure that the post-2015 development agenda addresses inequalities that prevent millions of people from getting access to basic services, various United Nations entities today stressed. In a joint statement, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Friends of Water, and the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, urged countries to frame the new development agenda around the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

Key learning and outcomes from latest CEO Water Mandate meetings

UN Global Compact logo

23 October 2013 – The CEO Water Mandate releases a summary of its recent multi-stakeholder working sessions, one on 4 September 2013 coinciding with World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, and another one on 19 September during the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit in New York, USA.
>> Meetings summariesPDF document
>> Agendas, participants lists and presentations

Outcome document from Dushanbe Conference

2013 High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation

22 October 2013 – The outcome document from the High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation, which took place in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, from 20 to 21 August 2013, has been released. The document includes the Dushanbe Declaration and summarizes main debates and conclusions.
>> Access the outcome documentPDF document

Simple hand washing with soap can cut hundreds of thousands of deaths a year, UN says

In the Central Africa Republic in 2008, a child holds out a bar of soap. UNICEF distributed soap as part of a national immunisation campaign. Photo: UNICEF/NYHQ2008-1510/Pierre Holtz

15 October 2013 – From Ethiopia and Yemen to Bolivia and Viet Nam millions of children are taking part in the 6th annual United Nations-backed Global Handwashing Day, driving home the message that the simple use of soap and water can slash highly preventable diarrhoeal diseases that kill 1,400 children under five every day. "Washing hands before eating and after defecation drastically reduces the spread of diarrhoeal disease and has far reaching effects on the health and welfare of children and communities," the global head of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes, Sanjay Wijesekera, said in a message marking the Day.

Budapest Water Summit concludes with the adoption of the Budapest Statement

Budapest Water Summit concludes with the adoption of the Budapest Statement

11 October 2013 – More than 1400 participants from 100 countries have engaged in the Budapest Water Summit from 8 to 11 October to shape the global water and sanitation agenda. The Summit has concluded today with the adoption of the Budapest Statement which advocates for a dedicated water goal in the post-2015 development agenda.
>> Access the Budapest StatementPDF document

UNSGAB launches the 3rd Hashimoto Action Plan

UNSGAB launches the 3rd Hashimoto Action Plan

9 October 2013 – The UN Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Water (UNSGAB) launched the Third Hashimoto Action Plan (HAPIII), which presents its 2013-2015 strategy for shaping global water and sanitation policy, at a side event held during the Budapest Water Summit. The Plan calls for a final push to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on water and sanitation, noting that the sanitation target is among the most off-track, and advocates for including water and sanitation objectives in the post-2015 development agenda.
>> Access Hashimoto Action Plan III

Water holds key to sustainable development, UN chief tells Budapest summit

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the 2013 Water Summit in Budapest, Hungary. UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras

8 October 2013 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed the vital role of water in sustainable development, highlighting in particular its importance with regard to food security, climate change and sanitation. "Water holds the key to sustainable development. We need it for health, food security and economic progress," Mr. Ban said in his opening remarks at the Budapest Water Summit. "Yet, each year brings new pressures." He noted that by 2030, nearly half the global population could be facing water scarcity and demand could outstrip supply by 40 per cent.

Cities must use full spectrum of local resource to mitigate flood risks, says senior UN official

Head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta Wahlström (right) being interviewed at the United Cities and Local Governments Congress in Rabat, Morocco. Photo: UNISDR

4 October 2013 – Increased urban flooding poses a direct threat to the wellbeing of metropolitan areas unless cities use more fully the complete panoply of local resources to mitigate disaster risks, according to UN Assistant Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta Wahlström. "More needs to be done to address underlying drivers of disaster risk such as better planning regulations, better management of local ecosystems and better access to risk knowledge on the ground." Ms. Wahlström told the Fourth United Cities and Local Governments Congress that ended in Rabat, Morocco, on 4 October.

World Tourism Day on "Tourism and Water": greater efforts on water preservation needed

World Tourism Day on Tourism and Water: greater efforts on water preservation needed

27 September 2013 – On World Tourism Day 2013, dedicated to "Tourism and Water – Protecting Our Common Future" in line with the International Year of Water Cooperation, stakeholders called for greater global efforts in water preservation. A high-level Think Tank on Tourism and Water gathered leading experts on water preservation, public and private sector tourism stakeholders and media experts to discuss key issues contributing to a more sustainable water future.
>> Video recording of morning session
>> Video recording of Think Tank on Tourism and Water

The UN Human Rights Council extends mandate of expert on safe drinking water and sanitation

UN Human Rights Council logo

27 September 2013 – The UN Human Rights Council adopted today resolution L31 and decided to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque, for a period of 3 years.
>> Access resolution L31Word Document

Post-2015 agenda must include goal on water resources, Tajik Premier tells UN

Oqil Oqilov, Prime Minister of Tajikistan. UN Photo/Sarah Fretwell

25 September 2013 – As world leaders this week discuss anti-poverty goals and a new sustainable development agenda at United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Prime Minister of Tajikistan highlighted the importance of water resources and water cooperation. In his speech to the 68th General Assembly high-level debate, Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov said that "water is at the core of sustainable development as it is closely linked to number of key global challenges." The Tajik capital of Dushanbe hosted last month a high-level international conference on water cooperation. At that time, the Government of Tajikistan put forward an initiative to develop a post-2015 global water vision which could serve as "the road map" for the implementation of a water-related sustainable development goal.

Ban says measured progress needed to halt and reverse land degradation

Drought in Namibia has resulted in crop failure. Photo: UNFPA

23 September 2013 – Urging a global paradigm shift towards land stewardship, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed the need to work with countries and local communities to protect and sustain the world's fragile drylands and restore degraded land. In his message to the 11th Conference of Parties of the UN Convention on Desertification, Mr Ban said desertification and land degradation threaten the livelihoods, well-being and sustainable development of at least 1 billion people. Further, climate change is already having an impact in the drylands of Africa.

Four African nations agree to improve use of key water resource under UN-backed plan

Signature of Regional strategic action programme for the Nubian Aquifer System

18 September 2013 – Four African nations agreed to a United Nations-backed plan that seeks to optimize the use of a key underground aquifer system and improve the management of water resources. The Strategic Action Programme, signed at the Vienna headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), commits Chad, Egypt, Libya and Sudan to ensure the equitable use of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, a huge water resource that lies beneath the four nations. The Nubian aquifer is the world's largest known 'fossil' water aquifer system.
>> Regional strategic action programme for the Nubian Aquifer SystemPDF document

UN General Assembly opens its 68th session with long-term development a prime goal

United Nations. Logo

17 September 2013 – The UN General Assembly opened its annual session with its gaze firmly fixed on the decades ahead as its new President, Mr. Ashed, outlined the need to lay the groundwork for global sustainable development in the years following the end of the current development cycle in 2015. In pursuit of a far-sighted post-2015 development agenda, Mr. Ashe said he planned to convene three high-level events and three thematic debates. One of the thematic debates will focus on the roles of water, sanitation and sustainable energy in the post-2015 development agenda.

Human Rights Council receives water and sanitation thematic report

Human Rights Council receives water and sanitation thematic report

11 September 2013 – The Human Rights Council has received the annual thematic report from the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, Catarina de Albuquerque. The report, devoted in 2013 to the topic of sustainability and the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation, examines how the rights to water and sanitation can and must be met for present and future generations. It highlights challenges to sustainability and particularly aggravated risks in times of economic and financial crisis.
>> Access the water and sanitation thematic reportPDF document

Strategic groundwater reserves found in Northern Kenya

© UNESCO/Nairobi OfficeWater gushing out of a borehole at Napuu area during the flushing process.

11 September 2013 – An exploration of groundwater resources has identified reserves of water in Turkana County in drought-stricken northern Kenya. The findings were announced at the opening of an international water security conference in Nairobi on 11 September, and are the result of a groundwater mapping project, GRIDMAP (Groundwater Resources Investigation for Drought Mitigation in Africa Programme), spearheaded by UNESCO in partnership with the government of Kenya and with the financial support of the Government of Japan.
>> More information

World Water Week closes with a call for special focus on water in development

TWorld Water Week closes with a call for special focus on water in development

6 September 2013 – The 2013 World Water Week, focusing on cooperation and partnerships, closed today with a call for the United Nations to put special emphasis on water when it considers the post-2015 global development agenda. As input to the United Nations General Assembly later this month, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) presented the Stockholm Statement during the closing ceremony of the World Water Week in Stockholm. The Statement, a result of an open and inclusive consultation process before and during the Week, calls for a dedicated goal on water as the world body considers the post-2015 global development agenda.
>> Press releasePDF document
>> Closing plenary
>> Stockholm Statement

The Water for Life Decade's website now in Chinese

The Water for Life Decade's website now in Chinese

3 September 2013 – We are glad to inform the Chinese version of the 'Water for Life' Decade's website has been upgraded and now has a fresher design.
>> Access the Chinese website

UN promotes survey of disasters and people living with disabilities

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013 Logo

3 September 2013 – "We can expect that as many as 30 million people living with a disability are affected during an average year by earthquakes and weather-related hazards" said Margareta Wahlström, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, during the recent launch of a survey of people living with disabilities on their coping capacity in the face of a disaster event. This survey addresses on issues such as the ability to protect oneself from a disaster event and having sufficient time to evacuate before a possible disaster. The survey results will be announced on International Day for Disaster Reduction which is marked each year on 13 October. Have Your Say! If you're living with a disability or you are a caregiver, take the survey and share your thoughts on living with disasters. The survey is available in several languages.
>> Participate in the survey until 25 September!

The High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation concluded with a Declaration calling to water cooperation

The High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation concluded with a Declaration calling to water cooperation

21 August 2013 – Representatives from governments, international and regional organizations and civil society met in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 20 and 21 August 2013, at the High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation to support the implementation of United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/67/204 "Implementation of the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013," and to promote actions at all levels to advance cooperation on water. The Conference concluded with the adoption of a declaration that recognizes the importance of water cooperation and demands stronger dialogue at all levels.
>> Access the Declaration

New edition of 'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award focuses on water and energy. Applications accepted until 15 September 2013

Water for Life Decade and UN-Water logos.

The United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action "Water for Life" 2005-2015/UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) and the UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) are pleased to announce the 4th edition of the ’Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award.

The purpose of the Award is to promote efforts to fulfil international commitments made on water and water-related issues by 2015 through recognition of outstanding best practices that can ensure the long-term sustainable management of water resources and contribute to the achievement of internationally agreed goals and targets contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

The Award is open to projects or programmes achieving particularly effective results in the field of water management or in raising awareness in water issues.

The prize is awarded yearly in two categories, one in ’best water management practices’ and another one in ’best participatory, communication, awareness-raising and education practices’.

This edition’s focus is on Water and Energy as World Water Day 2014 is dedicated to this important issue. Application period was open from 21 June to 15 September 2013.

>> More information
>> Press release

Water Cooperation must be a priority on sustainable development agenda

2013 Progress Update issued by the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership

21 August 2013 – Water cooperation at national and global levels is essential to achieve sustainable development and ensure millions of people have access to this precious resource, a senior United Nations official stressed at a conference in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. "Not only is the world experiencing explosive growth in the demand for water resources, but water waste and pollution increasingly threaten the integrity of aquatic and agro ecosystems vital for life and food security," the Associate Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Rebeca Grynspan, said at the High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation.

Political will key to ensuring water and sanitation for all, says UN-backed report

2013 Progress Update issued by the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership

14 August 2013 – Political leadership and concrete action have led to good progress on creating universal and sustainable access to decent sanitation and drinking water, but additional efforts are needed to fulfil commitments by the 2014 deadline, a United Nations-backed partnership reported. Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson welcomed the "encouraging steps forward" detailed in the 2013 Progress Update issued by the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) partnership.

United Nations General Assembly designates 19 November as World Toilet Day

United Nations General Assembly designates 19 November as World Toilet Day

24 July 2013 – In a bid to make sanitation for all a global development priority, the United Nations General Assembly has designated 19 November as World Toilet Day, urging changes in both behaviour and policy on issues ranging from enhancing water management to ending open-air defecation.

UN General Assembly sets up new UN forum to boost sustainable development efforts

UN General Assembly sets up new UN forum to boost sustainable development efforts

9 July 2013 – On 9 July the General Assembly established a new High-level Political Forum, which will replace the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, to boost efforts to tackle global economic, social and environmental challenges. The new body is tasked with providing political leadership, guidance and recommendations for sustainable development; reviewing progress in the implementation of related commitments; and enhancing integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.

Millennium Development Goals are within reach, but stronger efforts needed – UN report

Millennium Development Goals Report 2013

1 July 2013 – Thirteen years after the world set the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), countries have made big strides to meet the eight anti-poverty targets by their 2015 deadline, says the 2013 edition of MDGs report released today, which stresses that the unmet goals are still within reach, but nations need to step up their efforts to achieve them. The targets that have already been met include halving the number of people living in extreme poverty and providing more than two billion people with access to improved sources of drinking water. However, countries are falling short on other targets including those regarding maternal health, providing universal access to education, expanding access to sanitation, and achieving gender parity.
>> The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013PDF document

New edition of 'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award focuses on water and energy

Water for Life Decade and UN-Water logos.

21 June 2013 - The United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action "Water for Life" 2005-2015/UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) and the UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) are pleased to announce the opening of the 4th edition of the ’Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award.

The purpose of the Award is to promote efforts to fulfil international commitments made on water and water-related issues by 2015 through recognition of outstanding best practices that can ensure the long-term sustainable management of water resources and contribute to the achievement of internationally agreed goals and targets contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

The Award is open to projects or programmes achieving particularly effective results in the field of water management or in raising awareness in water issues.

The prize is awarded yearly in two categories, one in ’best water management practices’ and another one in ’best participatory, communication, awareness-raising and education practices’.

This edition’s focus is on Water and Energy as World Water Day 2014 is dedicated to this important issue. Application period is open from 21 June to 15 September 2013.
>> More information
>> Press release

UN Secretary-General appoints Prince of Jordan chairman of UNSGAB

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

18 June 2013 – On 10 June 2013, UN Secretary-General appointed His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as the new Chairman of his Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB).
>> Press release

World Tourism Day Essay Competition

World Tourism Day Essay Competition.

10 June 2013 – On the occasion of this year's World Tourism Day (WTD) celebrations on 27 September, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is organizing the first ever WTD Essay Competition! Considering water as both a tourism resource and an asset, the essay should stress the importance of water planning and sustainable management as a powerful instrument for tourism development and green growth in the tourism sector. Furthermore, the essay should target a wide audience and is expected to be easy and engaging to read. Participate! Deadline closes on 30 June 2013.

Tourism and Water is the theme for World Tourism Day 2013

Tourism and Water is the theme for World Tourism Day 2013. Logo.

6 June 2013 – In line with the 2013 United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, the 2013 theme for World Tourism Day, celebrated on 27 September, is 'Tourism and Water: Protecting our Common Future'. Clean, accessible water is vital to tourism, running most of the sector´s businesses, from hotels and restaurants to leisure facilities and transportation. More importantly, wetland tourism is growing, with many of the world's coastlines, lakes and other wetlands among the most popular tourism destinations.
>> Official website

UN-Water Vacancy: Communications Manager

UN-Water Vacancy: Communications Manager.

6 June 2013 - UN-Water is seeking to appoint a Communications Manager to support all its corporate media and communications activities, and act as the facilitator and catalyser of all other activities in the "federated" system of UN-Water communications. Apply by 25 June 2013.
>> Application details

LatinoSan 2013 concludes with the signature of the Panama Declaration

LatinoSan 2013 concludes with the signature of the Panama Declaration.

3 June 2013 – The 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Sanitation Conference, LatinoSan 2013, which has taken place in Panama City from 29 to 31 May 2013, has concluded with the signature of the Panama Declaration. In the Declaration, delegates from the region agree to establish a Regional Meeting of Ministries of Sanitation every 2 years, a Secretary in charge of following-up on agreements from these meetings and a Latin-American and Caribbean Observatory on Sanitation among others.
>> Panama DeclarationAvailable in SpanishPDF document
>> National reports

High Level Panel includes universal access to water and sanitation in Post-2015 agenda

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) receives report of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda from co-Chair President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia.

31 May 2013 – The High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda established by UN Secretary General released 'A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development', a report which sets out a universal agenda to eradicate extreme poverty from the face of the earth by 2030, and deliver on the promise of sustainable development. Among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) considered, SDG6 aims at achieving universal access to water and sanitation.
>> Access the High-level panel reportPDF document
>> Executive summary in different languages

Conclusions from the 3rd session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

Conclusions from the 3rd session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. 27 May 2013 – The final conclusions and summary report of the 3rd session of the intergovernmental Open Working Group on sustainable development goals called for in the Rio+20 Outcome Document, convened on 22-24 May 2013, are now available online.
>> Video record of sessions
>> Co-Chairs' Summary bullet pointsPDF document
>> Concluding Remarks of Co-Chairs PDF document
>> Summary report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)PDF document

UN urges collective efforts to achieve 'water secure world' on Day for Biological Diversity

Photo: World Bank/Allison Kwesell. 22 May 2013 – Unless greater efforts are made to reverse current trends, the world will run out of freshwater, the United Nations said today marking the International Day for Biological Diversity and urging stronger scientific alliances to understand and protect natural resources.

Findings of national stakeholder consultations on water published

Findings of national stakeholder consultations on water published. 21 May 2013 – A series of country consultations carried out by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) took place from February to May 2013 to address the importance of water to national development. The purpose of the national stakeholder consultations on water was to listen to country needs and priorities regarding the post-2015 agenda for water and sustainable development. The findings have been published in the report, National Stakeholder Consultations on Water: Supporting the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
>> Download the report

Asian leaders adopt Chiang Mai Declaration

Logo de la 2ª Cumbre del Agua de Asia y el Pacífico. 21 May 2013 – Delegates participating in the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit on 19 and 20 May 2013 have adopted the "Chiang Mai declaration" pledging to build regional resilience to natural disasters, share scientific and technical knowledge on water resources management, accord high priority to water security and sanitation in national agendas and promote water use efficiency.
>> Chiang Mai DeclarationPDF document

At UN debate experts weigh clean energy, water strategies to halt 'runaway' climate change

Sustainable water management brings economic, social and environmental benefits, say countries. Photo: UNEP. 16 May 2013 – With dire warnings likely to match or exceed the worst fears about the effects of global warming, environment and development experts gathered today at UN Headquarters to debate the twin challenge of curbing climate change while sustaining economic growth. "The fundamental challenge of our time is to end extreme poverty in this generation and significantly narrow the global gap between rich and poor without ruin the environmental basis for our survival," General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic said as he opened the UN General Assembly Thematic Debate 'Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Practical Solutions in the Energy-Water Nexus'.
>> Mr. Jeremic's address at the opening

Private sector must engage in disaster risk reduction to avoid economic losses

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR13).15 May 2013 – The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) launched today the latest Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR13). Entitled Creating Shared Value: the Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction, the report, which carried out reviews of disaster losses in 56 countries, found that direct losses from floods, earthquakes and drought have been underestimated by at least 50 per cent. In this century alone, losses from disasters amount to some $2.5 trillion.

2.4 billion people will lack improved sanitation in 2015

2.4 billion people will lack improved sanitation in 2015. Cover.13 May 2013 – Some 2.4 billion people – one-third of the world's population – will remain without access to improved sanitation in 2015, according to a joint WHO/UNICEF report issued today. The report, entitled Progress on sanitation and drinking-water 2013 update, warns that, at the current rate of progress, the 2015 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of halving the proportion of the 1990 population without sanitation will be missed by 8% – or half a billion people.

UN Chronicle highlights water cooperation issues

UN Chronicle highlights water cooperation issues. 2 May 2013 – The 1st issue of 2013 of the UN Chronicle focuses on the theme of water cooperation. Articles in the magazine address water cooperation in the context of cross-cutting issues such as development goals, women and agriculture, integrated water resources management (IWRM), and private sector involvement. The Chronicle examines both freshwater and ocean cooperation issues.

New World Water Development Report's themes announced

New World Water Development Report's themes announced. 30 April 2013 – With the recent change introduced to the UN World Water Development Report (WWDR), this UN-Water flagship report will become annual and thematic with a focus on different strategic water issues each year. The 1st annual WWDR, WWDR5, will be published in 2014 and will address the theme "Water and Energy". The 6th edition of WWDR, which will be launched in 2015, will focus on "Water and Sustainable Development". The report's themes will be harmonized with those of World Water Day, celebrated each 22 March.

New UN plan aims to save two million young lives a year from pneumonia and diarrhea

New UN plan aims to save two million young lives a year from pneumonia and diarrhea.

12 April 2013 – The United Nations has launched a global plan to combat two of the leading killers of children under five, potentially saving two million youngsters each year who would otherwise die from pneumonia and diarrhoea in low- and middle-income countries. The Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea is premised on the fact that richer countries have already shown that common elements, such as good nutrition and a clean environment, are crucial in reducing infections and deaths from both diseases.

1,000 days and counting: UN calls for accelerated action on the Millennium Development Goals

1,000 days and counting.

5 April 2013 – The United Nations called for accelerated action in the next 1,000 days from governments, international organizations and civil society groups to reach the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their deadline at the end of 2015. According to UN figures, since the MDGs were adopted by all UN Member States in 2000, global extreme poverty rate has been cut in half and two billion more people have gained access to safe drinking water, but efforts still need to be redoubled to accelerate action on issues such as access to improved sanitation, maternal health and gender equality.
>> Access the MDG Momentum campaign

2013 edition of UN-Water 'Water for Life' Best Practices Award goes to Japan and the Republic of Moldova

2013 edition of UN-Water 'Water for Life' Best Practices Award goes to the Republic of Moldova and Japan.

22 March 2013 - The 2013 edition of UN-Water 'Water for Life' Best Practices Award has been presented during the official ceremony of World Water Day 2013 taking place in The Hague, the Netherlands. In 2013, special focus has been given to the topic Water cooperation. Category 1 has been awarded to a project focusing on groundwater management using the system of nature from Kumamoto city in Japan and Category 2 has been awarded to a project focusing on safe water and sanitation for all in the Republic of Moldova.
>> Press releasePDF document

The Post-2015 water thematic consultation report is out!

Logo My World.

A draft version of the Post-2015 water thematic consultation report has been just released and is waiting for your comments.

In your view, is this report ambitious enough? Does it capture the magnitude of water challenges? Do you believe there are pressing water-related challenges that this report has not addressed? Do you think the main messages on the report are on target? Do you have suggestions on how to extend its outreach or on how to use this report to make the most impact on the Post-2015 agenda?

Your inputs, discussion thoughts, opinions and visions are vital components of the Post-2015 process. Contribute with your comments until Sunday 5 May 2013!
>> Post your comments
>> Water thematic consultation reportPDF document

Outcome Statement of the High Level Forum in The HaguePDF document

World Water Day 2013 logo 22 March 2013 - Participants assembled in The Hague on World Water Day discussed the role of water cooperation to achieve a water secure world and recognized the key outcomes of the Thematic Consultation on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
>> Advanced Summary of Synthesis Report from the Post-2015 Water thematic ConsultationPDF document

Deputy UN chief calls for urgent action to tackle global sanitation crisis

Living amid waste Photo IRIN/Manoocher Deghati 21 March 2013 - United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson launched a call for urgent action to end the crisis of 2.5 billion people without basic sanitation, and to change a situation in which more people worldwide have mobile phones than toilets.

UN survey 'My World' asks citizens vote on future development priorities

My World, the United Nations global survey for a better world. 13 March 2013 - Citizens from all over the world can help shape the future global development agenda through their participation in the United Nations survey 'My World', which allows them to vote on issues they believe are priorities and should be addressed by world leaders in post-2015 agenda. Offered in 10 languages, the survey asks participants to choose six from 16 priority issues, including access to water and sanitation.

WMO-GWP Integrated Drought Management Program Launched

Launch of WMO-GWP Integrated Drought Management Program. 13 March 2013 - The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and Global Water Partnership (GWP) have launched a joint Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP) to improve monitoring and prevention of one of the world's greatest natural hazards. The programme was launched at the High-level Meeting on National Drought Policy (HMNDP) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Youth Declaration on 2013 International Year of Water CooperationPDF document

Young people participating in the launching ceremony of 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation 11 March 2013 - Young people participating in the launching ceremony of 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation at Pavillon de l'eau, Paris, France, on 11 February 2013, issued a Youth Declaration on the Year.

UN officials spotlight need for prevention systems to deal with water-related disasters

UN officials spotlight need for prevention systems to deal with water-related disasters. 6 March 2013 – Early warning systems and cooperation among countries are some of the measures needed to increase resilience to water-related disasters, United Nations officials stressed today. “Preparing for the worst can save lives. That is why we need early warning systems, disaster education and resilient structures,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his remarks to the Special Thematic Session of the General Assembly on Water and Disasters.

Despite significant progress on development goals, many challenges remain

Making the MDGs work Conference logo. 27 February 2013 – While countries have made remarkable progress in the achievement of some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), there are still areas where too little has occurred since nations first committed to work on these issues in 2000, Helen Clark, Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), told participants at the 2013 global conference "Making the MDGs work" in Bogotá, Colombia. Miss Clark warned that "there are goals and targets where too little progress has been made – for example on maternal mortality reduction, universal access to reproductive health, and improved sanitation."

UN calls on countries to ensure access to water and sanitation in development agenda

Collecting water at a pump in the Zanzan Region of Côte d'Ivoire. Photo: UNICEF/Asselin. 21 February 2013 – The United Nations and its partners today called on the international community to prioritize ensuring access to water and sanitation to vulnerable populations in the 'post-2015' development agenda, stressing this would help combat inequality and promote human rights and sustainability.

UNEP launches 3rd Africa Environment Outlook-3

3rd Africa Environment Outlook-3 21 February 2013 - The African Environment Outlook-3 (AEO-3) places special focus on links between environment and health, pointing to the statistic that environmental risks contribute 28% of Africa's disease burden. Diarrhoea, respiratory infections and malaria account for 60% of known environmental health impacts in Africa. The report also spotlights a lack of capacity to deal with the growing effects of climate change; inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene - in 2010, only 60% of the sub-Saharan Africa population had access to safe water; and poor waste disposal practices.

'Don't let our future dry up' is the slogan for 2013 World Day to Combat Desertification

'Don't let our future dry up' is the slogan for 2013 World Day to Combat Desertification 21 February 2013 – The goal of the 2013 World Day to Combat Desertification, celebrated annually on 17 June, is to create awareness about the risks of drought and water scarcity, calling attention to the importance of sustaining healthy soils as part of post Rio+20 agenda and post-2015 sustainable development agenda. This year's slogan calls for everyone to take action to promote preparedness and resilience to water scarcity, desertification and drought.

UN kicks off year promoting international cooperation on water management

International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 logo 11 February 2013 – The United Nations launched the International Year of Water Cooperation, which seeks to provide a platform for countries to collaborate in the management of this precious resource in the interest of peace and development. 

“Water is central to the well-being of people and the planet,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his video message for the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013. “We must work together to protect and carefully manage this fragile, finite resource.” 

The General Assembly proclaimed 2013 International Year for Water Cooperation in 2010, following a proposal from Tajikistan. The Year will serve to raise awareness and prompt action on the multiple dimensions of water cooperation, such as sustainable and economic development, climate change and food security.

“Overexploitation, management, financing of water resources, all of these aspects are incredibly important and cooperation at different levels is therefore critical,” UNESCO Science Specialist Ana Persic said during a press conference to mark the start of the Year at UN Headquarters in New York.

The official launch of the Year took place at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Headquarters in Paris, France. Opened by the agency's Director-General Irina Bokova, the event gathered representatives from inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organization (NGOs), scientists and policymakers from around the world to discuss themes such as existing mechanisms for water cooperation and regional, national and local cooperation around river basins.

Cooperation on water issues will also be the theme for World Water Day, observed on 22 March.

UNEP releases GEO-5 for Youth at TUNZA 2013 Conference

GEO-5 for Youth11 February 2013- The opening ceremony of the 2013 TUNZA International Youth Conference on the Environment saw the launch of Tunza Acting for a Better World: GEO-5 for Youth, which showcases innovative sustainable development projects run by young people around the world. The publication incorporates key findings from the UNEP Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5) in order to equip young readers with the latest science-based information on the current state of the global environment, including water, climate change, air quality, biodiversity, land use, and other areas.

UN expert calls on Thailand to eliminate disparities on access to water and sanitation

UN expert calls on Thailand to eliminate disparities on access to water and sanitation 8 February 2013 – Thailand must step up its efforts to ensure all their citizens have access to water and sanitation, an independent United Nations expert said on a press conference on 8 February, noting that there is currently a stark contrast between populations who are able to enjoy this basic need, and those who do not.

Disruption of sanitation services in Syria putting children's health at risk

Disruption of sanitation services in Syria putting children's health at risk8 February 2013 – The severe disruption of water and sanitation services and a lack of access to basic hygiene in Syria have increased the risk of water-borne diseases among children, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned, following a nationwide assessment.

The UNECE Water Convention opens its accession to all UN Member States

Meeting of the UNECE Water Convention 6 February 2013 - 17 years after its entry into force, the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) is turning into a global convention. Having received the necessary number of ratifications, the amendments to the UNECE Water Convention opening it for accession to all United Nations Member States enter into force on 6 February 2013.

This is a groundbreaking development as the Convention was originally negotiated as a regional instrument by countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It is also a major milestone of the International Year of Water Cooperation celebrated in 2013.

Commenting the entry into force of the amendments, UNECE Executive Secretary Sven Alkalaj said: "Water is the critical resource of our century. While demands for water continue to increase, availability is dwindling. What is not often called attention to is that the water crisis is a transboundary water crisis. As sixty percent of the world's freshwaters are transboundary, water cooperation is critical to avoid conflicts and ensure effective and sustainable use of shared resources. This is where the legal and intergovernmental platform of the Water Convention as well as the experience accumulated under it are vital."

Syria: UN begins delivery of safe water supplies for 10 million people

A girl carrying jerrycans of water, walks past a pile of debris on a street in Aleppo, Syria. UNICEF/NYHQ2012-1293/Romenzi4 February 2013 - A large-scale operation is under way in Syria to secure safe water supplies for more than 10 million people – close to half the population, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said, amid reports that the quality and quantity of water is continuing to deteriorate with negative impacts for children's health.

UN expert on right to safe drinking water and sanitation on mission to Thailand

Catarina de Albuquerque, UN expert on right to safe drinking water and sanitation29 January 2013 - UN Special Rapporteur Catarina de Albuquerque is visiting Thailand from 1 to 8 February 2013 to assess the country's developments and remaining challenges toward the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation. On 8 February at 11:00 am, Ms. de Albuquerque will share with the media the preliminary findings of her mission at a press conference at the premises of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

Be part of the climate change and water-related risks discussion!

Post-2015 tag24 January 2013 - Have an opinion about climate change? Let your voice be heard on the Post-2015 Thematic Consultation on Water website where the Week 2 discussion in the Water Resources Management stream, coordinated by UNECE, focuses on climate change and water-related risks. Follow on Twitter (#waterpost2015) or on Facebook (WaterPost2015).

UN General Assembly creates group to work on sustainable development goals

UN General Assembly creates group to work on sustainable development goals. 22 January 2013 – The United Nations General Assembly has established a working group that will focus on the design of a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) to promote global prosperity, reduce poverty and advance social equity and environmental protection.

The SDGs seek to guide countries in achieving targeted outcomes within a specific time period, such as on universal access to sustainable energy and clean water for all, and will build on the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) after their 2015 deadline.

The MDGs have been instrumental in driving down poverty rates and increasing access to education, healthcare, water and sanitation, but progress has not been uniform and the UN is currently ramping up efforts to help countries achieve the goals by the target date.

UN-DESA and UNU launch Water Learning Centre

Water Learning Centre logo.20 January 2013 – The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the UN University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) have developed the Water Learning Centre (WLC), an e-Learning programme to enhance national capacities to develop and implement sustainable natural resource management strategies at local, regional, sub-regional and basin scales.

We shall sink or swim together! [PDF document – 3.4 MB]

January-March issue of UNESCO's magazine A World of Science18 January 2013 – On the occasion of the launch of 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation, the January-March issue of UNESCO's magazine "A World of Science" focuses on managing conflict and cooperation over water. This issue highlights case studies on water cooperation in different regions of the world and emphasizes that strong institutions and cooperative mechanisms reduce conflicts and promote peaceful resolution of water conflicts.

Take part in the selection of themes of the World Water Development Reports 6 and 7!

World Water Development Report. The UN World Water Development Report (WWDR) provides a comprehensive review of the state of the world’s freshwater resources. Until 2012, WWDR was published every three years. From 2014 on, the WWDR will become an annual report, which will be accompanied by a synthesis report published every five years.

The theme for WWDR5, to be published in 2014, is “Water and Energy”. The World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) is now carrying out a consultation with stakeholders from various fields to identify emerging and water related critical issues which could become potential WWDR themes for the 6th and 7th editions to be published in 2015 and 2016. WWAP launches a call for participation in a survey which is open until 21 January 2013.

"There can be no sustainable development without sustainable water management" declares UNESCO's Director General

Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova18 January 2013 - The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, attended the 1st International Water Summit, which took place in Abu Dhabi from 15 to 17 January 2013. The Summit brought together policymakers, scientists, experts and business executives in order to promote water sustainability in arid regions, and to tackle the urgent water and wastewater challenges they are facing. Irina Bokova called for "a global compact on sustainable and more integrated water management", emphasizing that "water cooperation is one of the keys for water sustainability".

Launch of Post-2015 Water Sub-Consultations

Post-2015 tag14 January 2013 - The sub-consultations component of the post-2015 thematic consultation on water have been launched. The sub-consultations, scheduled to take place between January and February 2013, are designed to engage stakeholders across four themes: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); water resources management; wastewater and water quality; and voices. Participants are encouraged to participate through the Twitter account @waterpost2015 and using the hashtag #waterpost2015, as well as through the WaterPost2015 Facebook account.

15-17 January 2015: See results!

'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award

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