Daily Archives: 27 August 2015

27 Aug, 2015

UN Youth Envoy’s Statement on Women, Children & Adolescent Health, at the Call to Action Summit at Taj Palace

27 August 2015 UNIC/PRESS RELEASE/145-2015 Call to Action Summit 2015 Following are UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi's statement on Women, Children & Adolescent Health, at the Call to Action Summit at Taj Palace, New Delhi on 27 August 2015: It gives me a great pleasure to be here today and allow me at

27 Aug, 2015

OECD Poster Competition – Start here!

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The poster you design should be motivating and visual. With few words and strong graphics, it should get people thinking and make them want to act to change things for the better.    Posters should address one of the following themes: Giving young people a voice in the government decision process. Opportunity for all! (Everyone

27 Aug, 2015

Climate Change Storytelling Contest

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Write your best climate change story and get an opportunity to join and cover COP21   While climate change is a global phenomenon, it is hitting the world’s poorest regions - and most marginalized communities - the hardest. These changing conditions are impacting human health, economic activity, and are threatening basic human rights including access