Monthly Archives: July 2017

28 Jul, 2017

Art serves as a meeting point for youth affected by conflict

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Lebanese singer Sandy Chamoun performs with her band at an arts festival in the Shatila refguee camp. Photo: UNDP Lebanon. “Even though she is in pain, she’s still dancing!” Ma’ammar El Jasem says, standing proudly next to his creation: a ballerina wrapped in metal wires. At such a young age, the 13-year-old Syrian sculptor may

25 Jul, 2017

Three areas where young people were in the spotlight at HLPF

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Each year, Ministers from all over the world gather at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to review the progress made in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). This year’s HLPF provided an opportunity to highlight youth participation in the implementation of the SDGs and showcase lessons

24 Jul, 2017

To end violence against women, Cambodian project teaches healthy relationships

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KAMPONG CHAM, Cambodia – Women in Cambodia’s Kampong Cham Province are no strangers to violence. A staggering 33 per cent of women in the province have experienced physical violence since age 15, a 2014 survey revealed. Statistics for the whole of Cambodia are not much better. Nationwide, one out of five women has been subjected to physical

20 Jul, 2017

HLPF 2017: “Youth and the SDGs: From Local Roots to Global Reality”

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On Wednesday 19th of July, the newly appointed UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake, participated in the High Level event  “Youth and the SDGs: From Local Roots to Global Reality”. At this event, young advocates joined Ministers from Denmark, Indonesia and Ethiopia in a lively discussion on how to promote an enabling environment for

19 Jul, 2017

Youth Envoy’s Remarks at High-Level Luncheon on the Demographic Dividend

High-Level Luncheon Investing in Adolescents and youth to eradicate poverty and promote prosperity to realize the demographic dividend and achieve the 2030 Agenda 17 July 2016, Delegates Dining Room Opening statement by Jayathma Wickramanayake, Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth   Excellencies, Honourable Ministers, Your Excellency Mr. Peter Thomson, President of the General Assembly, Your Excellency Mr.

18 Jul, 2017

Be part of the Youth, Peace and Security European Regional Consultation!

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We are seeking 40 young people[1] between the age of 15 and 29 who are active, enthusiastic and invested in promoting peace and security across the European Union, the countries of the European Free Trade Association[2] and the Western Balkans[3] to help discuss and orient the role of youth in sustaining peace in their communities and countries. As

17 Jul, 2017

With relevant skills, youth can help accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals

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Young people today joined Ministers from Sri Lanka, Denmark and Jordan as well as the President of the General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to mark the 3rd annual World Youth Skills Day under the theme: “Skills for the Future of Work”. Today, over 71 million young people are unemployed, with