Daily Archives: 19 December 2017

19 Dec, 2017

UN Envoy Welcomes New Somali Policy on Role of Youth in Peacebuilding

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18 December 2017 – Welcoming the launch of a national policy for young people in Somalia, the United Nations Youth Envoy expressed hope that with the new policy, young Somalis will be able to contribute to peacebuilding efforts in the country. “I want to congratulate the Federal Government of Somalia, the federal member states, the UN and

19 Dec, 2017

Somalia Launches National Youth Policy at Gathering of Country’s Youth

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Mogadishu – Hundreds of youth representatives from around Somalia have gathered in the capital city for talks on the future development of young Somalis, who make up more than two-thirds of the east African country’s population. A key part of the gathering – the country’s second Somali National Youth Conference – has been the launch of