
14 Apr, 2016

In Beijing, the UN System delegation on youth highlights the centrality of youth development

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13 April 2016 - The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, together with a delegation of youth experts from several different agencies, began a visit to China, the first visit of its kind that brings a joint UN delegation with a focus on youth development in a country. The visit commenced with a

8 May, 2014

Third day of the World Conference, UN Envoy engages with youth and Ministers

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During the third day of the World Conference on Youth in Colombo, the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi met with the Cuban Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, H.E. Susely Morfa Gonzalez, with the Vice President of All-China Youth Federation, H.E.  Zhou Changkui, and with the Chief of Staff to the Minister of Youth of […]