Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth

13 Jul, 2015

#YouthNow Campaign Recap

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Thank you to youth around the world for making the ‪#‎YouthNow‬ campaign a success! Since 2 February 2015, the #YouthNow campaign has: received 2 billion digital impressions, 19,000+ uses of the hashtag, 50+ offline events, many great conversations that lead to partnerships for change. Keep the conversation going on youth and global development using the hashtag

1 Jul, 2015

Office of the UN Envoy on Youth’s Schedule: July-August 2015

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Events: Youth Skills Day 15 July 2015 | UNHQ in New York To celebrate the first World Youth Skills Day and to raise awareness on the importance of investing in youth skills development Co-organized by the Permanent Missions of Sri Lanka and Portugal with the support of OSGEY, ILO and UNESCO Event: “Investing in Youth

30 Jun, 2015

Voices of Youth Feature: Invisible Wounds

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By Bhavana Neurons.... We are wired to think, react, imagine, focus and remember. Memories are tricky, you can repress them for years but at the sight of a black mosaic tile they are back. Like it was only yesterday. Your heart beating frantically, sweat lining your eyebrows, neurons. She was late. Her watch stopped at

25 Jun, 2015

Voices of Youth Feature: An Eighth of a Story

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By Pia Fleig I am a European. I have received a very good education, I have succeeded in my A-levels, I can go to any University I want and study more than a human mind can imagine. And yet, I feel like I know so little of reality. As much as my school tried to

21 Jun, 2015

In Paris, the Youth Envoy calls for effective partnership with youth to counter violent extremism

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On 16 June, 2015, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, spoke at the International Conference on "Youth and the Internet: Fighting Radicalization and Extremism," held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. In his remarks, the UN Youth Envoy stressed that “today’s young people live with the growing threat of violence and armed conflict,”

5 Feb, 2015

#YouthNow | 2015: Year of Opportunity for Youth

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Young leaders from around the world gathered with representatives from the United Nations, civil society and partner organizations for the 2015 Time for Global Action Youth Forum. The two-day Forum focused upon youth participation in shaping the future development agenda and addressing many issues today’s 1.8 billion young people face, such as jobs and education.