Distribution Plan - Phase XII

Executive Summary and text of the plan


Distribution Plans:

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  Updated  25 April 2003

Executive Summary
  As PDF
Sectors: Food | Medicine | WatSan | Electricity | Agriculture | Education | Infrastructure | Oil | Settlement | Demining | Housing | Special Allocation
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01-01 Food 2 - Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transportation and Distribution - Ministry of Trade Amended 30 July, 19 August, 5, 6, 9, 16, 18, 23, 26 September, 2, 3, 14, 16, 31 October, 19, 22 November, 3, 6, 16 December 2002, 13, 31 January, 5, 10, 12, 26 February, 5, 14, 28 March and 2 April 2003
01-02-00001- Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of Trade (00001-) Amended 18 September 2002
01-02-09158- Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of Trade (09158-)
01-02-13002- Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of Trade (13002-)
01-02-22387- Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of Trade (22387-)
01-02-49645- Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of Trade (49645-)Amended 3 September 2002
01-03 Shopping Center Amended 3 October 2002, 17 January, 5, 17, 28 March and 2 April 2003
01-04 Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Ministry of Trade - General Company for Grain Processing Amended 1 October 2002, 17 January and 24 February 2003
01-12 Food 2- Requirements of Equipment and Spare Parts for Food Processing, Handling, Storage, Transporting and Distribution - Ministry of TradeAmended 8 and 14 October 2002
01-13 UNICEF - Nutrition  
01-14 WFP - Food Handling
01-15 WFP - Nutrition
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02-01 National Master List of Drugs and Lab Reagents Amended 9 September 2002
02-01 National Master List of Drugs and Lab Reagents (2610-) Amended 13 August, 3 December 2002, 17 January and 5 February 2003
02-02 Medical ApplianceAmended 6 and 12 February 2003
02-03 Medical Equipment
02-04 Rehabilitation Equipment
02-05 Health Facility Equipment
02-06-00001- Rehabilitation Equipment
02-06-00598- Rehabilitation Equipment
02-07 UNICEF - Child Protection
02-08 UNICEF - Vaccine related Supplies
02-10 Local drug Production (SDI and ACAI)Amended 12 and 13 September 2002
02-17 Arab Company for Antibiotics Industries (ACAI)
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03-01-00001 Baghdad Mayoralty Requirements for Water and Sewage Work
03-01-00748 Baghdad Mayoralty Requirements for Water and Sewage Work
03-02-00 General Establishment for Water and Sewerage Requirements - Summary Amended 4 November 2002
03-02 General Establishment for Water and Sewerage Requirements Amended 9,10 September, 3 December 2002, 17 January and 4 March 2003
03-03 UNICEF - Construction of Water Supply Systems
03-04 UNICEF -Urban Water Supply and Sanitation
03-05 UNICEF - Water Quality Control
03-06 UNICEF- Waste Management (Liquid and Solid)
03-07 UNICEF - Urban Environmental Sanitation
03-08 UNICEF - Urban Household Water Security
03-09 UNICEF - Hygiene Promotion
03-10 UNICEF - Rural Household Water Security
03-11 UNICEF - Rural Household Water Security
03-12 UNICEF - Rural Household Water Security
03-13 UNICEF - Rural Household Water Security
03-14 UNICEF - Hygiene Promotion- School Sanitation
03-15 UNICEF - Hygiene Promotion- Social Mobilization
03-16 UNICEF - Rural Environmental Sanitation
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04-01 Requirement List of Power Stations and Network Amended 12 November 2002, 13, 24 and 26 January 2003
04-02 UNDP - Northern Governorates
04-75 UNDP Amended 20 December 2002
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05-01 Enhanced Domestic Food Production Sub sector: Crop and Vegetable Production Amended 2 October, 8 November, 11, 16 December 2002, 14, 28 March and 8 April 2003
05-02 Enhanced Domestic Food Production Sub sector: Vegetable and Fruit Production Amended 12 and 18 September 2002
05-03 Domestic Crops and Vegetable Production Amended 8 November 2002 and 5 February 2003
05-04 Enhancing Domestic Animal Production
05-05 Poultry Production
05-06 Irrigation - Rehabilitation of Pumping Stations
05-07 Irrigation - Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Projects
05-08 Irrigation - Surveying Instruments, Operation and Maintenance of Water Storage StructuresAmended 9 September 2002
05-09 Irrigation - Rehabilitation of Groundwater Resources
05-10 Irrigation - Water and Soil Analyses
05-11 FAO - Plant protection
05-12 FAO - Plant production - seed processing and community storage service
05-13 FAO - Animal Health
05-14 FAO - Agricultural Machinery
05-15 FAO - Mechanization
05-16 FAO - Statistics - Animal Production
05-19 FAO - Statistics - Conducting Agricultural Surveys
05-20 FAO - Agro Industry
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06-01 Education - First through Eleventh Domain Amended 31 October 2002
06-02 Higher Education Amended 5, 9, 18 September 2002 and 13 January 2003
06-03 UNESCO - Athletic Education Prerequisites
06-04 UNESCO - Provision of Office and School Equipment and Spare Parts
06-05 UNESCO - Stationery
06-06 UNESCO - Prerequisites School Rehabilitation
06-07 UNESCO - School Materials and Equipment
06-08 UNESCO - School Desks Production
06-09 UNESCO - Examination Requirements
06-10 UNESCO - Higher Education: College of Medicine Dohuk
06-11 UNESCO -
06-12 UNESCO - Education Project
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07-01 Replacement of old Exchanges in Baghdad
07-02 Rural Digital Microwave Links
07-03 Upper Euphratus Digital Microwave
07-04 Communications / Telecommunications - Cables & Accessories
07-06 Telecommunications
07-08 Four Digital High Capacity Microwave Links for Abu-Graib & Gurma & Gazlani Excanges
07-09 GSM Mobile Network
07-11 South Digital Microwave Link Baghdad - Basra and Kut - Nasiriya
07-15 Satellite Earth Station
07-16 Telecommunications
07-24 Radio Links Requirements
07-30 Armored jelly filled Telecommunition cables
07-40 Telecommunications - Equipment and Accessories
07-60 Requirements of weather observation instruments
07-61 Iraqi Air Ways
07-62 Passengers Transportation CompanyAmended 31 July and 22 November 2002
07-63 Iraqi Rail Way Requirements Amended 1 August, 5 September and 1 October 2002
07-64 General Establishment of Civil Aviation
07-65 Al-Dhilal General Company
07-66 Asphaltic Concrete Batching plant
07-67 General Company for PortsAmended 3 October 2002
07-68 State Company for Transportation of Delegates
07-69 Internet Service Company
07-70 Land Transport Company
07-71 State Company for Water Transport
07-72 Iraqi State Company for Private Transport
07-73 ITU
Oil Ex. Sum. Oil Sector Executive Summary
08-12 Requirements for Processing and Distribution Sector of Oil & GasAmended 5 August, 11, 12, 25 September, 1, 24 October, 23 December 2002, 16, 17, 28, 29, 30 January, 5, 7, 19, 21 February, 4, 10, 12, 17, 18 March, 2, 3, 8 and 25 April 2003
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09-01 UNCHS (HABITAT) - Settlement Rehabilitation
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10-01 UNOPS - Demining Amended 27 March, 2, 3, 4 and 25 April 2003
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12-01 Ministy of Trade - State Trading Company for Construction MaterialsAmended 19 June, 30 July, 5, 16 September, 16 December 2002, 4, 6 February, 21, 24 March and 2 April 2003
12-02 Ministy of Housing and ConstructionAmended 13 January 2003
12-03 Ministry of Trade - State Enterprise for Shopping Centers
12-04 Ministry of Trade Amended 12 and 23 September 2002
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13-01 Equipmet for Water and Sewage Treatment Plants
13-02 Execution of Sewage and Water Projects
13-03 Ministry of Housing and Construction - Housing Projects RequirmentsAmended 6 August 2002
13-04 Rehabilitation and Building of HospitalsAmended 17 October 2002
13-05 Board of Youth and Sports
Annex XIV
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14-01 Ministry of Industry and Minerals Amended 26 July 2002, 8, 14, 31 October, 20 November, 3, 16, 19, 23 December 2002, 17 January, 4, 5 February, 12 and 28 March 2003
14-02 Ministry of Housing and ConstructionAmended 6 August 2002
14-03 Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs Amended 1, 16 October and 19 December 2002
14-04 Sector Food
14-05 Ministry of Culture
14-06 Ministry of Information Amended 17 October 2002 and 12 March 2003
14-07 Central Bank of Iraq
14-08 Ministry of Justice Amended 20 November 2002 and 19 February 2003
14-09 Ministry of Finance
14-10 Board of Youth and Sports - Project of Construction of Olympic Sports City

Phase X: Executive Summary | Food | Medicine | WatSan | Electricity | Agriculture | Education | Infrastructure | Oil | Settlement | Demining | Housing | Special Allocation

Phase XIII |Phase XI |Phase X |Phase IX | Phase VIII | Phase VII | Phase VI | Phase V