UNW-DPAC: Events and News agenda

2014 - 2015

CITA Conference on Cooperation for innovation in the Rural Development Programme: irrigated agriculture

Date: 29 June 2015
Place: CITA, Avda Montanyana 930, Zaragoza
Organisers: Center for Research and Food Technology (CITA) and the Ebro Water Partnership

The Research Group for Irrigation, Agriculture and Environment (CSIC-CITA) of the Aula Dei campus in Zaragoza organizes the "Conference on Cooperation for innovation in the Rural Development Programme: irrigated agriculture" with the collaboration of the Ebro Water Partnership . This conference aims to establish the needs and challenges that arise in relation to improved water management, irrigation and innovation in both rural development programs and the second cycle of hydrological planning. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participates in this event with a keynote presentation on "Innovation in the framework of Sustainable Development Goals.

International  Conference. Journalism in crisis, emergencies and disasters International Conference. Journalism in crisis, emergencies and disasters

Date: 17-19 June 2015
Place: Auditorium of the Campus Madrid Puerta de Toledo, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Organiser: Indagando TV and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The International Conference. Journalism in crisis, emergencies and disasters was organized by Indagando TV and Universidad Carlos III with the aim to analyze the role of communication and journalism in health crises and update knowledge for effective news coverage in such situations. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participated on 17 June in the debate: "What is the response to a disaster? different models".
>> View full program

High-level International Conference on the Implementation of the Water for Life Decade High-Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action "Water for Life", 2005-2015

Date: 9-11 June 2015
Place: Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Organisers: Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in cooperation with UN-Water and other partners

The High-Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action "Water for Life", 2005-2015 has as primary goal a comprehensive discussion of the issues of implementation of the International Decade for Action "Water for Life", 2005-2015, which will later play a crucial role in conducting a comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade by raising awareness of the wider international community about its results. UNW-DPAC is participating and collaborating with this conference with: • Co-convene with Global Water Partnership a round table on "Water Decade Implementation - Progress and Achievements, Lessons Learnt, Best Practices" on 09 June 2015 from 14:00 - 16:30 hours. • Co-convene with Global Water Partnership a pre-conference multistakeholder dialogue on 8 June 2015. • Attending the 3rd meeting of the International Steering Committee of the High-Level International Conference on the Implementation of the International Decade for Action "Water for Life", 2005-2015, to be held on 7 June 2015. • The Water for Life Voices Exhibit will be displayed at the conference. • Launch the following publications: Water Cooperation, Women Engagement, Logo Users booklet and Water for life Award winners booklet. >> See the conference programme

ASEM logo ASEM Seminar on Strengthening Concerted Actions on Water Management through Post – 2015 Agenda

Date: 3-5 June 2015
Place: Dong Khoi Place Convention Center, Ben Tre City, Vietnam
Organiser: ASEM Members

The ASEM Seminar on Strengthening Concerted Actions on Water Management through Post – 2015 Agenda is an initiative of six members of ASEM (Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania, Thailand, Laos and Viet Nam) which was approved in October 2014 during the 10th ASEM Summit in Milan, Italy. This Seminar provides a platform for ASEM members to validate best practices in water management and consolidate proposals for ASEM's Post-2015 Vision and stronger actions to achieve sustainable water for all. Josefina Maestu, Director UNW-DPAC, will be participating as guest speaker at the Plenary Session II: Lessons learned and practices in water management in Asia and Europe on 3 June from 13:30 - 15:30 hours. >> See the programme

UN-WWAPThe World Water Development Report 2015, Water for a Sustainable World

Date: 21-22 May 2015
Place: Aquae Venice 2015, Italy
Organiser: UN World Water Assessment Programme (UN-WWAP)

In the framework of Aquae Venice 2015, the World Water Assessment Programme (UN-WWAP) of UNESCO, organizes a two day high level conference on Water and Sustainable Development to present the main findings of the World Water Development Report 2015 "Water for a Sustainable World", on 21-22 May 2015. This event will be articulated in thematic sessions and a specific part dedicated to the case studies and best practices from the countries. As one of the main contributors to the WWDR2015, Josefina Maestu, Director UNW-DPAC presents the findings of the office contribution to the report participating at the Panel Discussion "Defining critical developmental challenges" on 22 May with the theme "Conflicting uses of the resource" on 22 May 2015 from 10.30 – 11.45 hours. >> See the programme

Logo Un Water United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action "Water for Life 2005-2015", activities on 30 March 2015

Date: 30 March 2015
Place: UNHQ in New York, USA

The United Nations Office to support the International Decade for Action Water for Life "2005-2015" organized the 'Water for Life Voices' Exhibition Opening and UN-Water Best Practices Award Ceremony, that took place on March 30 at UNHQ. The Opening was jointly organized by theUnited Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) , UNICEF , the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Tajikistan, Spain and Korea and counted with the support of the staff from the Division for Sustainable Development/DESA and the Department of Public Information (DPI) . The activities also included a video at NASDAQ Tower-in Times Square, a video of the Ceremony, webcasting and radio interviews. The Office Director participated in the International Steering Committee meeting for the June Dushanbe Conference on the Decade and at the High-level Interactive Dialogue on the Water for Life Decade: Progress achieved and lessons learned moderating a panel discussion.

‘Water for Life Voices’ Exhibition in UN Headquarters to highlight progress during the Water Decade.‘Water for Life Voices’ Exhibition in UN Headquarters to highlight progress during the Water Decade

Date: 9 March to 14 April 2015
Place: UN Headquarters, New York, United States

Achieving the Water for Life Decade’s goals has needed sustained commitment, engagement, cooperation and investment from all. As the Decade is officially drawing to a close in 2015, the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) wants to show how people's efforts have contributed to its success. To this end, the Water for Life Voices campaign has gathered the voices of those whose water and sanitation life has changed over the last 10 years. Selected contributions from the campaign form the exhibition at the UN Headquarters from 9 March to 14 April 2015. The exhibition brings the voices of beneficiaries of water programmes over the Decade and highlights the human aspect of water programmes, and thus helps support the inclusion of such considerations into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). As Josefina Maestu, Director of the Office to support the Water for Life Decade, explains: “This exhibit brings the lives and voices of the beneficiaries of water programmes right into the halls of the UN General Assembly. It serves as a reminder to the UN’s top decision makers of just how much impact their work has had on people over the last Decade. It should also show visitors how much has been done, and how much there is yet to do to ensure continued development and progress for all the world’s peoples.”

>> Access the Water for Life Voices website!
>> See the exhibition!
>> More on the Water for Life Voices campaign

Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action.International Conference ‘Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action’: See Results!

"2015 is an important year. An important year for disaster risk reduction, an important year for climate and an important year for water," said the UN-Water Chair, Michel Jarraud in his welcome video message to the 300 participants at the UN-Water International Conference. The Conference, which took place from 15 to 17 January in Zaragoza, Spain, was organised by the United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action ’Water for Life’ 2005-2015 implementing the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC), in collaboration with 18 UN-Water members, 13 partners and 21 other collaborating organizations and Governments. Participants included the UN-Water Vice-Chair, the Vice President of the Global Compact, delegates from 18 water programmes from the UN, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, and the Coordinator of the UN-Water Working Group on Water related Sustainable Development Goals.

Exchanges, inputs, conclusions and some important questions were delivered through presentations from experts with varied backgrounds and experience. The conference took an inclusive media approach with coverage through a live webcast, reported through twitter feeds and daily summaries. Conference outputs, including a compilation of case studies, a ToolBox with numerous tools developed by the different UN entities, and information briefs providing a background on some of the issues discussed, are now available at the Conference website, to help us prepare for World Water Day 2015, which will focus on "water and sustainable development".

>> Video recording of sessions
>> Daily summaries
>> Information briefs
>> Cases
>> Conference website

Logo WCCE.UNW-DPAC participates at the 9th General Assembly Meeting of the World Council of Civil Engineers

Date: 21- 25 November 2014
Place: Lisbon
Organisers: Ordem dos Engenheiros de Portugal

The 9th General Assembly of the World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE), a UN- Water partner, took place in Lisbon from 21- 25 November 2014, hosted by Ordem dos Engenheiros de Portugal. In this framework, Josefina Maestu, Director of UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC)participated through a Guest Conference on ‘UN-Water Initiatives’ to illustrate how UN-Water related organisations are working to improve access to water and sanitation in the world.
>> More information

Logo Water and Sustainable Development.15-17 January 2015: UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action!

The post-2015 international agenda for water will be decided now. The UN-Water International Zaragoza Conference focuses on bringing the post-2015 agenda into action. This is a practical event on tools for implementation (financing, technology, capacity development) and governance frameworks, for initiating the post-2015 agenda for water and sanitation.

More than 300 participants from United Nations Agencies and programmes, experts, representatives of the business community, governmental and non-governmental organizations will meet from 15 to 17 January in Zaragoza, Spain, to draw conclusions based on existing practice and the exchange of views between governments and stakeholders. This is also the last year of the International Decade for Action ‘Water for Life’ so it is especially important for taking stock of and learning from achievements as well as planning the next steps.

The UN-Water Annual Zaragoza Conferences serve UN-Water to prepare for World Water Day. This conference is part of the road map for World Water Day 2015, which will focus on ‘water and sustainable development’.

Get involved and watch the conference live through the Conference website!

 Workshop: Groundwater and Energy.Workshop: Groundwater and Energy

Date: 27-28 October 2014
Place: Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomus University of Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco. Colmenar viejo, Madrid
Organizers: Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spanish Foundation for Groundwater, Groundwater Club

The workshop "Groundwater and Energy" aimed to emphasize the groundwater and energy nexus, which is the invisible half of the continental water cycle and renewable energies. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participated in this conference on 27 October at 10:30 am with an opening presentation on "Water and energy. Challenges and opportunities for renewable energy".
>> More informationAvailable in Spanish

United Nations logo.United Nations Day

Date: 24 October 2014
Place: Worldwide

UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. 24 October has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. "The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises. Poverty, disease, terrorism, discrimination and climate change are exacting a heavy toll. Millions of people continue to suffer deplorable exploitation through bonded labour, human trafficking, sexual slavery or unsafe conditions in factories, fields and mines. The global economy remains an uneven playing field. […] At this critical moment, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering the marginalized and vulnerable", says Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, on his message for the Day. The UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) participates in UN.
>> More information

Logo Casa de America.Cycle on strategic issues in Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities for Water and Energy in Latin America

Date: 9 September 2014 from 09:30 to 13:30
Place: Casa de America, Plaza de Cibeles s/n, Madrid. Spain
Organizers: CAF Development Bank of Latin America and Casa de America

As part of the "Cycle on strategic issues in Latin America", CAF Development Bank of Latin America and Casa de America organized a seminar entitled "Challenges and opportunities for water and energy in Latin America", which included the participation of different experts on the subject. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participated in this seminar as a speaker on the challenges and opportunities in the water sector(s) of Latin America.
>> More information

World Water Week 2014: Water and Energy.UNW-DPAC participated in World Water Week 2014

Date: 31 August-5 September 2014
Place: Stockholm, Sweden

This year's World Water Week focused on water and energy issues. UNW-DPAC participated in different activities and provided a series of information materials on the issue.
>> UNW-DPAC activities at World Water Week and information materialsPDF document
>> World Water Week website

Logo of the Menendez Pelayo International University.Lectures series "Knowledge and Values" and Summer course "Water as an economic resource"

Date: 31 July-1 August 2014
Place: Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Palacio de la Magdalena, Santander, Spain
Organizers: Menendez Pelayo International University

The Menendez Pelayo International University organized a series of lectures on the issue "Knowledge and Values". Josefina Maestu, Director of the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC), participated in these lectures on 31 July at 19:00h with a presentation on "Water cooperation in the world". Within the program of the 2014 summer courses, UNW-DPAC also participated in the course "Water as an economic resource" with a presentation on "Value and water allocation formulas" on 1 August at 11:00h and in the roundtable debate at 12:30h.
>> More informationAvailable in Spanish

UN Global Compact LogoCEO Water Mandate releases summary from the 13th Working Conference

4 June 2014 - A summary report of the 13th Working Conference of the CEO Water Mandate that took place in Lima, Peru, from 8 to 9 April 2014 has been released, summarising discussions and outcomes on Corporate Water Stewardship, Collective Action and the Post-2015 Agenda. The UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate was launched in 2007 to better understand and advance water stewardship in the private sector and has met every year in order to discuss key issues according to each focus area and identify common interest, garner feedback from key stakeholders and explore options for increased participation and engagement in initiatives. The meeting was attended by endorsing companies, UN and government agencies, civil society groups and a variety of other organisations. UNW-DPAC participated in the meeting.
>>Meeting summary reportPDF document
>>Related documents and presentations

Ecodes Logo.Sharing social innovation experiences in water management between the Southeast of the EU and Brazil

Date: 17 June 2014
Place: Paraninfo building, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Organizers: Ecología y Desarrollo Foundation (ECODES)

This seminar brought together stakeholders with similar interests to think about water management and share knowledge experiences on social innovation which are taking place in the European Union and Brazil. The experience of the Itaipu bi-national dam, located on the Brazil-Paraguay border and which is the world’s largest hydroelectric dam, was shared together with various European projects. Josefina Maestu, Director UNW-DPAC, participated in this seminar with a presentation on the results of the 2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. ’Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability’.
>> More information Available in Spanish

Aquae Foundation Logo.Smart Aquae Campus and Aquae Campus Event

Date: 5-6 June 2014
Place: Finca Condal de San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Canary Islands, Spain
Organizers: Aquae Foundation

In the framework of World Environment Day, Aquae Foundation has launched a digital platform: The Smart Aquae Campus. With this platform, Aquae Foundation promotes two major initiatives to raise public awareness on how we care for the Earth and our responsibility for change: the “Aquae Innova Award” and contest on innovation “Tree of Life”. As World Environment Day is dedicated to Small Island Developing States (SIDS), on 5 and 6 June the Encounter Aquae Campus Event was held on the Canary Islands. With these two initiatives, Aquae Foundation intended to create a meeting place where people, groups and institutions can get together to share their vision of the world and their views and proposals to care for the planet and its sustainable development. Josefina Maestu, Director UNW- DPAC, participated on 6 June in the presentation of Innova Aquae award and the Tree of Life initiatives received.
>> More information on the Smart Aquae CampusAvailable in Spanish

Canal Foundation Logo9th Forum Water for Development

Date: 5 June 2014
Place: Auditorio Canal Foundation, Mateo Inurria 2, Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Canal Foundation

On World Environment Day, the Canal Foundation celebrated the 9th edition of its Water for Development Forum, an initiative promoted since 2006 aimed at offering a place to meet, exchange experiences and ideas, and involve key stakeholders to find solutions to water and development linkages. This year's discussion focused on the relationship between water and energy at three main levels: globally, in the urban environment and in connection with international cooperation. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participated in this forum with the presentation "The general context of the water-energy nexus: World Water Development Report 2014".
>> More informationAvailable in Spanish

Documentary on las Piñas-Zapote River in Ecozine FestivalDocumentary on las Piñas-Zapote River in Ecozine Festival

Date: 19 May 2014 Time: 19:30
Place: Paraninfo building, University of Zaragoza, Spain

The documentary ‘Bringing the las Piñas-Zapote River in The Philippines back to life’ was aired at the Ecozine film festival which takes place from 15 to 22 May 2014 in Zaragoza, Spain. The 'Las Piñas-Zapote River System Rehabilitation Program' in The Philippines, won the category 1 'Best water management practices' 1st edition of 'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award. This documentary introduces the initiative which, implemented by the Villar Foundation, has succeeded in bringing Las Piñas-Zapote River and its tributaries back to life, allowing wealth generation from waste that once polluted the river and creating work and housing for a population that used to live in shacks. The projection took place at Sala Pilar Sinués in the Paraninfo building at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, under the "Water films" section.
>> Ecozine Festival programmeAvailable in Spanish
>> Documentary "Bringing the las Piñas-Zapote River in The Philippines back to life"

Documentary film: The dream of waterTalk with with Albert Solé on the documentary film "The dream of water"

Date: 15 May 2014
Place: Environmental Centre of the Ebro River Basin. Zaragoza, Spain
Organizer: Environmental Centre of the Ebro River Basin

On 15 May Albert Solé, director of the documentary film "The dream of water", gave an open discussion on his work, at the Environmental Centre of the Ebro River in Zaragoza, Spain. The Director explained how the film was created, shot and the central ideas it aimed to communicate. 'The dream of water' is a documentary film produced by UNESCO and Expo Zaragoza 2008, narrated by children from different regions of the world it demonstrates the water-related problems they deal with every day. In Benin, West Africa Crepin explains how pollution is reducing its lake’s fishing. In the Netherlands, Muriel tells us how they have to evacuate her home to reinforce the dike that protects them from the sea. Nandini, in Mumbai, tells us about his daily odyssey to provide water for his family. In the Gaza Strip, Isam and Anath explain how the distribution of drinking water adds tension to one of the most unstable parts of the world meanwhile in the Atacama desert, Julio shows us how they have decided to fight the drought with imagination.
>> Access the documentary

Water Post-20159th UN Water Dialogue in Casa Solans: Dialogue on the role of civil society in promoting water and sustainable development

Date: 15 May 2014
Time: 10:30-14:00
Place: Casa Solans, Av. Cataluña 60, Zaragoza, Spain
Organizers: UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) and Ecología y Desarrollo Foundation (ECODES)

The 9th UN Water Dialogue was organised by UNW-DPAC and the Ecología y Desarrollo Foundation (ECODES) within the framework of the 2015 UN-Water International Conference in Zaragoza, Spain, which will focus on water and sustainable development. This dialogue aimed to report on progress in the Post-2015 Agenda, share the views of civil society on priorities in each of the topics, receive feedback on its contribution in relation to the means of implementation and identify key actors of the civil society.

Casa Solans, Zaragoza, Spain8th UN Water Dialogue in Casa Solans: Dialogue on the role of academia in promoting water and sustainable development

Date: 8 May 2014
Time: 10:30 to 14:00
Place: Casa Solans, Av. Cataluña 60, Zaragoza, Spain
Organizers: UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) and the University of Zaragoza

The 8th UN-Water Dialogue in Casa Solans was organized by UNW-DPAC and the University of Zaragoza in the framework of the 2015 UN-Water International Conference in Zaragoza, Spain, which will focus on water and sustainable development. The specific objectives of the dialogue included informing representatives from academia on progress in the Post-2015 Agenda, sharing experiences, expressing suggestions for the Conference, and facilitating a dialogue on its possible outcomes. The dialogue aimed to address the implementation’s challenges in relation to UN-Water recommendations.

MEDROPLAN LogoNational Capacity Development Training of Trainers Workshop on Developing and Implementing Mitigation and Preparedness Water Scarcity and Drought Management Plans

Date: 6–9 May 2014
Place: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM), Spain
Organizers: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM) and United Nations Office to Support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015

The National Capacity Development Training of Trainers (TOTs) Workshop which took place at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM) aimed to train key national drought management officials in 5 pilot countries (Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Yemen) and strengthen their knowledge of the latest Water Scarcity and Drought (WS&D) management guidelines, methodologies, tools and best management practices.

The training sessions included particular focus on the Mediterranean Drought Preparedness and Mitigation Planning Guidelines (MEDROPLAN). The purpose of the MEDROPLAN guidelines is to provide Mediterranean countries with a framework for an effective and systematic approach to prevent and/or minimise the impacts of drought.

The session brought together key policy makers and national stakeholders from the pilot countries along with experts with extensive regional and international experiences on drought planning and management including MEDROPLAN's developers and experts. This included key project team members from the five pilot country governments; project regional and national experts and consultants from the five pilot countries; experts from regional and international institutions involved in drought management and MEDROPLAN scientists from the Polytechnical University of Madrid in Spain.

UNW-DPAC co-organized and participated in the workshop. The Office Director inaugurated the workshop and participate with a Conference on the "Role of economic and social instruments in drought management: drought tariffs and awareness campaigns", on 7 May.

>> Drought Management Guidelines MEDROPLANPDF document

ONGAWA logoWorkshop on the Ruggie Principles and business on water and sanitation

Date: 3 April 2014
Place: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Engineering for Human Development (ONGAWA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain

This meeting focused on the application of the Ruggie Principles for business considering the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. With the exchange of experiences through participatory workshops and presentations, participants discussed strategies and actions on how to incorporate the Ruggie Principles in business. The workshop counted with the participation of business representatives from the water and sanitation sector and other water consuming sectors, as well as other interested companies, governments NGOs, researchers and academics.
>> More informationAvailable in Spanish

Logo of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of SpainInternational Workshop on Tools for Improving Drinking Water Quality and International strategic meeting on improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in health facilities

Date: 21-23 April 2014
Place: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (MSSSI), Madrid, Spain
Organizers: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain in collaboration with World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC)

This international workshop discussed the tools for improving the quality of water for human consumption, including information systems, water safety plans and guidelines for quality drinking water.

The main objective was to share knowledge and experiences between countries and international organizations. Participants included UN experts, international and national organisations.

The event also included an International strategic meeting on improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene in health facilities which brought together international organizations, national organizations from Spain, academics and donors to discuss and commence a global, collaborative effort to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in health care facilities.

Participants presented the latest global data regarding the status of this issue and discussed key gaps and measures to strengthen monitoring, policy and implementation. In addition, national case studies were presented. The outcomes of the meeting included a Global strategy on WASH in health care facilities and a Global Action Plan for 2014-2024.
>> More information
>> Workshop Programme

UNW-DPAC and the French Institute organize a series of debates and a film forum on water and our futureUNW-DPAC and the French Institute organize a series of debates and a film forum on water and our future

Date: 25-27 March 2014
Place: Joaquin Roncal Foundation, Zaragoza, Spain
Organizers: UN Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) and the French Institute of Zaragoza

In conjunction with World Water Day celebrations, this series of debates addressed various issues related to the future of water, including the relation between water and energy, the Human Right to Water and Sanitation, the Geopolitics of Water, the role of organizations such as the Red Cross and the Army in disasters and emergencies, and how water use can be reduced using new technologies. During the afternoons, a film forum was organized and featured the Yann Arthus-Bertrand documentary "La soif du monde" and the recent Spanish documentary "Guadalquivir".
>> More informationAvailable in Spanish

7th UN Water Dialogue in Casa Solans: Water and Sanitation in Central America. Challenges for the implementation of the Post-2015 agenda7th UN Water Dialogue in Casa Solans: Water and Sanitation in Central America. Challenges for the implementation of the Post-2015 agenda

Date: 6 March 2014
Place: Casa Solans, Avda. Cataluña 60, Zaragoza, Spain

The 7th UN Water Dialogue in Casa Solans provided an opportunity to present and discuss the recommendations of UN-Water for a Global Goal on Water and the specific challenges in Central America in reference to the implementation of the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. Participants from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic introduced the specific challenges and priorities for action in their countries. For many of them, legal recognition is a reality and represents a unique opportunity for a new wave of water policies. Participants emphasized the importance of participative processes for designing policies and actions and the importance of coherence and coordination, especially given the fact there are many actors, including NGOs, international donors and organizations and local and national actors. Some key activities emerged as priorities such as the need to support changes in national policies (beyond legislation alone) and citizens' awareness-raising of the implications the UN Resolution has on the Human Right to water and sanitation.

>> AgendaPDF documentAvailable in Spanish

Smagua logoSMAGUA 2014: Ibero-American Forum on Water and Irrigation

Date: 4-7 March 2014
Place: Feria de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Organizers: Feria de Zaragoza

Smagua is an important meeting point for the international water sector, with the presence of world's leading agents. Among the various activities carried out within the framework of this event, the Ibero-American Forum on Water and Irrigation allowed participants get a first-hand view on water and irrigation plans implemented in Latin-America. UNW-DPAC contributed to this forum with the exhibition "Water is life", and on 4 March with the participation in the opening ceremony of Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, who gave a presentation on global water challenges and energy.

International University of Andalusia LogoCourse: University Expert in risk management and irrigation communities' management

Date: January to June 2014
Place: International University of Andalusia, Antonio Machado campus, Baeza (Jaen), Spain
Organizers: The International University of Andalusia and the University of Cordoba

The International University of Andalusia, through its Antonio Machado campus, Baeza (Jaen), and the University of Cordoba are running the 3rd edition of the joint post graduate degree course entitled University Expert in risk management and irrigation communities' management. Josefina Maestu, Director of UNW-DPAC, participated in this course on Friday, 24 January 2014, at 18:00 with a presentation on the results of the 2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference, 'Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability' which took place in Zaragoza from 13 to 16 January 2014.

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>> UNW-DPAC external evaluation of 2011-2015 workplan [PDF document - 209 KB]
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>> Biennial Report 2010-2011 [PDF document - 566 KB]
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[PDF document - 1.05 MB]