Thematic Issues and Critical Areas of Concern >
Critical Areas of Concern >
Human Rights of Women
Human rights and fundamental freedoms are the birthright of all human beings; their protection and promotion is the first responsibility of Governments. The Platform for Action reaffirms that all human rights - civil, cultural, economic political and social, including the right to development are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, as expressed in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights.
- Integrating Equity, Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation
[ www.unicef.org, www.unwomen.org ]
Languages: English
An online centre to provide evaluators with resources to design and manage evaluations that integrate equity, human rights and gender equality.
- Gender and Social Assessment Web-site
[ www.worldbank.org ]
Languages: English
WorldBank Tools for Building Better Projects: addressing equity and social efficiency
- Gender Justice, Development and Rights
[ www.unrisd.org ]
Languages: English
UNRISD Research Project (2000-2002)
- Engendering Development through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice
[ www.worldbank.org ]
Languages: English
The World Bank Policy Research Report presents new data and analyses and reviews an extensive development literature, is intended as a tool for policy makers, development specialists, and members of civil society who are promoting, designing, and implementing development strategies.
- Women's Human Rights
[ www.unifem.org ]
Languages: English
UN Women promotes the principle that the protection of women's human rights is fundamental to ensuring women's self-realization and full participation in society.
- Gender & Humanitarian Assistance Resource Kit
[ www.reliefweb.int ]
Languages: English
In May 1999, the IASC endorsed the "Policy Statement on Mainstreaming Gender into Humanitarian Response" and the related background document. This Resource Kit is intended to help IASC members, and others, to implement the policy.
- The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Chapter 6 Poverty, decision-making and human rights
[ unstats.un.org ]
Languages: English
This document reviews deficiencies and gaps in the collection, dissemination, presentation and use of data in the following three areas of concern highlighted in the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and poverty; Women in power and decision-making; and Human rights of women. UN Statistics Division, 2005
- Women and the Right to Food - International Law and State Practice
[ www.fao.org ]
Languages: English
The study looks at the right to food in the context of gender discrimination. It includes a brief overview of the position of women's right to food in international law and identifies gaps in both law and practice. FAO, 2008
- Early Marriage: A Harmful Traditional Practice (UNICEF, April 2005)
[ www.unicef.org ]
Languages: English
Using data from the Demographic and Household Surveys, this publication estimates the prevalence of child marriage and seeks to identify and understand the factors associated with child marriage and cohabitation.
- Beijing at Ten and Beyond: Human Rights of Women
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
In 2005, Member States of the United Nations carried out a ten-year review of progress in implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the 49th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. A report of the Secretary General: Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome document of the special session of the General Assembly entitled Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century (E/CN.6/2005/2), covered the 12 Critical Areas of Concern and emerging issues identified at the twenty third special session of the General Assembly.
- Online Discussion: Human Rights of Women
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
From October 2004 to January 2005, WomenWatch hosted a series of online discussions on the Platform's critical areas of concern and other important issues to provide input into the review and appraisal of the Bejing Declaration and Platform for Action. All postings and background notes are available for reading as archived online discussion.
- Gender of Democracy: The Encounter between Feminism and Reformism in Contemporary Iran
[ www.unrisd.org ]
Languages: English
This UNRISD paper is a critical analysis of the encounter between feminist and reformist political thought during the first reformist presidency in the Islamic Republic of Iran (May 1997 to June 2001). It places feminism and reformism in their historical context, discusses the complex forces that have facilitated their development, and analyses the interface between these two movements.
- Globalization, Export-Oriented Employment for Women and Social Policy
[ www.unrisd.org ]
Languages: English
UNRISD project from 2000 to 2002. This project seeks to understand the relationship between increasing globalization of production, women's labour market participation, and social policy design and delivery.
- Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences
[ www2.ohchr.org ]
Languages: English
- "Gender and racial discrimination"
[ www.un.org ]
Languages: English
Information on an Expert Group Meeting organized by DAW in collaboration with OHCHR and UNIFEM, 21-24 November 2000
- UNESCO Social and Human Sciences: Gender Equality and Development
[ portal.unesco.org ]
Languages: English | French
For several years, the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO has devised strategies and implemented programmes to fight for the respect of human rights and against discrimination based on gender.
- Multiculturalism, Universalism and the Claims of Democracy
[ www.unrisd.org ]
Languages: English
This UNRISD paper explores the tensions between universalism and cultural relativism, and the role of democracy in resolving these tensions. It argues that cultural relativism is not a useful ally for feminism.