Peace and Security

Peace and Security

Amplifying the message of peace through poetry

I use my voice to champion social justice, such as girl-child rights, maternal health, and peace
Peace and Security

Unregulated Autonomous Weapons Systems pose risk to Africa

Ambassador Lansana Gberie of Sierra Leone warns of a new arms race that could divert important resources away from peacebuilding and sustainable development
Peace and Security

Many African nations are making progress in the rule of law

UN Assistant Secretary-General for the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions, Alexandre Zouev, acknowledges progress amidst global tensions and challenges within countries
Peace and Security

Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

Ghanaian women push for an increase and strengthening of the meaningful participation of women peacekeepers as they explore the WPS agenda
Peace and Security

Sudan: Horrific violations and abuses as fighting spreads - report

Sudan: New UN report details horrific violations and abuses by both sides as fighting spreads.
Fortune Charumbira
Peace and Security

Pan-African Parliament President calls for peace and unity

We want the Pan-African Parliament to be a parliament of the people