31 October 2018- The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding - APCEIU is organizing, jointly with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, the 2018 UN Global Citizenship Education Forum under the theme Global Citizenship Education as a Key Enabler of SDGs. The event will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 13 November 2018. The United Nations and its agencies have elevated the concept of global citizenship education (GCED), which aims to empower people to develop the understanding, skills and values to take action to resolve global challenges and contribute to a more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure world.

GCED contributes to the realization of the values and vision of the United Nations, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular, by fostering respect for human dignity, strong and peaceful relationships with diverse people, support for people in need, and environmental responsibility. Progress toward achieving the Goals depends on the actions of global citizens who are motivated to uphold the values and vision of the United Nations at the local, national and international levels. Mutual respect and understanding, tolerance, diversity, security and sustainable development as well as prevention of violent extremism. This Forum will highlight the key dimensions of GCED.

This main objectives are, among others, to showcase and share the ongoing efforts to promote GCED through showcasing best practices and experiences from the field in implementing SDG 4.7, guide participants to identify a set of policy opportunities and imperatives for the effective implementation of GCED, and, inform about the latest trends and developments underpinning the post-2015 education agenda, specifically GCED. It will bring together officials of ministries of education, national research and development institutes, ambassadors from the Permanent Missions to the United Nations, delegates from international organizations and civil society from concerned fields.

For more information please visit this website