United Nations Headquarters, 23 September 2021

Heads of State and Government convened at the Security Council to debate how to prepare for climate risks that can hinder peace and drive conflict. They discussed practical actions that the Council can take, given mounting evidence of climate fallout as a factor in conflicts and instability. Talks focused on peacekeeping, conflict mediation and conflict prevention. Learn more about the session.

Increasingly, the Council and other multilateral organizations stress climate actions as integral to peace in countries and regions, and as a basis for international security. In fragile countries in particular, governments often have limited resources to manage climate and other crises while helping vulnerable populations adapt to consequences such as drought and rising temperatures. In 2019, weather-related hazards displaced some 24.9 million people in 140 countries around the world, with climate change predicted to grow in force. Many women and girls face specific consequences, which the Council has recognized in its women, peace and security agenda. 

Secretary-General's remarks.

See also a UN News report and a video of the session.