Fifty-three senior managers, including 33 women, signed their 2021 Compacts with the Secretary-General in June. 

The Compacts are an opportunity for senior managers to identify their programme objectives and articulate their vision for how they will implement their mandates. 

They are also a key element of the accountability system. These Compacts establish the parameters by which senior managers will be assessed on their use of financial and human resources; integration of sustainable development practices; and implementation of oversight body recommendations.  By signing their Compacts, senior managers confirm their commitment to delivering reform, ensuring compliance with the Organization’s legal framework and ethical standards, and ensuring accountability for adherence to United Nations standards of conduct.

Many 2021 Compacts recognize the challenges posed to mandate delivery by the COVID-19 pandemic and its social, economic and political consequences. Senior managers acknowledged the need to adapt to the new conditions and the new risks posed by the pandemic.

The recently completed Compact cycle covers senior managers whose entities operate on a budget cycle from January to December.  Senior managers whose entities operate on a July to June budget cycle will soon finalize their 2021/2022 Compacts.