
22 September

Time: 9am – 12:30pm

Location: General Assembly Hall

Overflow rooms: CR4 CB, GA Hall NLB, CR4 NLB (in all languages)

Opening prayer

Welcome prayer from Chief Sidd Hill of the Haudenosaunee

Opening Plenary Meeting

Webcast video      Meeting Summary

Remarks from:

Adoption of the conference outcome document

Roundtable 1: UN system action for the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Meeting Summary

Time: 3pm – 6pm

Location: Conference Room 4 (General Assembly Building)

Overflow rooms: CR4 NLB (in all languages) and Mezzanine 2nd Floor NLB (in English and Spanish in assigned location)

List of speakers: Members States, Observers, UN entities, NGOs and others pdf


Roundtable 2: Implementing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the national and local level

Webcast video | Meeting Summary | Resumen en español

Time: 3pm – 6pm

Location: Trusteeship Council Chamber

Overflow rooms: GA Hall NLB (in all languages) and Mezzanine 2nd Floor (in English and Spanish in assigned location)

List of speakers: Member States pdf, Indigenous organizations pdf


23 September

Roundtable 3: Indigenous peoples’ lands, territories and resources

Webcast video | Meeting Summary

Time: 3pm – 5pm

Location: General Assembly Hall (North Lawn Building)

Overflow rooms: CR5 NLB (in all languages) and Mezzanine 2nd Floor NLB (in English and Spanish in assigned location)

List of speakers: Member States pdf, Indigenous peoples pdf, Specialized agencies pdf


Panel Discussion: Topic: Indigenous priorities for the post-2015 sustainable development agenda

Webcast video | Meeting Summary

Time: 3pm - 5pm

Location: Conference Room 4 (North Lawn Building)

Overflow rooms: CR6 NLB (in all languages) and Mezzanine 2nd Floor NLB (in English and Spanish in assigned location)

List of speakers: Member States, Indigenous Peoples, Observers and United Nation System Entities pdf


Closing Plenary Meeting

Webcast video

Time: 5pm - 6pm

Location: General Assembly Hall (North Lawn Building)

Overflow rooms: CR4, CR5 and CR6 NLB (in all languages), and Mezzanine 2nd Floor NLB (in English and Spanish in assigned location)

Summaries presented by one co-chair of each roundtable and panel discussion

Closing Statements:

Closing prayer: Closing prayer from H.E. Dr. Pita Sharples, Minister of Maori Affairs, New Zealand

Meeting Summary


To promote interactive and substantive dialogue, participation in the round-table and interactive panel discussions will include Member States, observers and representatives of entities of the United Nations system, indigenous peoples, civil society organizations and national human rights institutions.

Organizational arrangements

Organizational Arrangements for the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly: World Conference on Indigenous Peoples