Anciens membres de CCIQA


Mme Janet St. Laurent (États-Unis d’Amérique) – Présidente

M. Agus Joko Pramono (Indonésie) – Vice-Président

Mme Dorothy A. Bradley (Belize)

M. Anton V. Kosyanenko (Fédération de Russie)

M. Imran Vanker (Afrique du Sud) )


Mme Janet St. Laurent (États-Unis d’Amérique) – Présidente

M. Agus Joko Pramono (Indonésie) – Vice-Président

Mme Dorothy A. Bradley (Belize)

M. Anton V. Kosyanenko (Fédération de Russie)

M. Imran Vanker (Afrique du Sud) )


Mme Janet St. Laurent (États-Unis d’Amérique) – Président

M. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana) – Vice-président

Mme Dorothy A. Bradley (Belize)

M. Anton V. Kosyanenko (Fédération de Russie)

M. Agus Joko Pramono (Indonésie)


Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile) – Chair

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation) – Vice Chair

Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines)

Mr. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana)

Ms. Janet St. Laurent (United States of America)


Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines) – Chair

Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile) – Vice Chair

Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America)

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation)

Mr. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana)


Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines) – Chair

Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America) – Vice Chair

Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile)

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation)

Mr. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana)


Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America) – Chair

Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines) – Vice Chair

Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile)

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation)

Mr. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana)


Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America) – Chair

Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile) – Vice Chair

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation)

Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines)

Mr. Richard Quartei Quartey (Ghana)


Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda) – Vice Chair

Ms. Natalia A. Bocharova (Russian Federation)

Ms. Maria Gracia M. Pulido Tan (Philippines)

Ms. Patricia X. Arriagada Villouta (Chile)


Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation) – Vice Chair

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda)

Mr. Vinod Rai (India)

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica)


Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda) – Chair

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica) – Vice Chair

Mr. J. Christopher Mihm (United States of America)

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation)

Mr. Vinod Rai (India)


Mr. David M. Walker (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda) – Vice Chair

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation)

Mr. Vinod Rai (India)

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica)


Mr. David M. Walker (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation) – Vice Chair

Mr. Vijayendra N. Kaul (India)

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda)

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica)


Mr. David M. Walker (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. Vijayendra N. Kaul (India) –Vice Chair

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation)

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda)

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica)


Mr. David M. Walker (United States of America) – Chair

Mr. Vijayendra N. Kaul (India) –Vice Chair

Mr. Vadim V. Dubinkin (Russian Federation)

Mr. John F.S. Muwanga (Uganda)

Mr. Adrian P. Strachan (Jamaica)