Dépêches de l’intranet de l’ONU

Deuxième phase du vivier des jeunes talents VNU/PNUE

03 Jul 2024

The initiative aims to engage young talented individuals to become future leaders across environment, pollution, and climate action. 

Our Blue World, réalisé par Ruán Magan, a été projeté dans un grand centre culturel de Bruxelles, devant 800 personnes.

Heather Page de DESA nous explique en quoi consiste le travail de collecte, de suivi et d’analyse des données sur les ODD.

En 1951, le Siège du Secrétariat ouvre et la tour fine de 39 étages est devenue le symbole des Nations Unies.

Derniers rapports

IOM - World Migration Report 2024

This report presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues, and is structured to focus on two key contributions for readers: Part I: key information on migration and migrants (including migration-related statistics); and Part II: balanced, evidence-based analysis of complex and emerging migration issues

UNFPA - State of the World Population report 2024

According to the report, sweeping global gains in sexual and reproductive health and rights over the last thirty years are marred by an ugly truth – millions of women and girls have not benefited because of who they are or where they were born.

UNESCO - World Water Development Report 2024

The 2024 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report calls attention to the complex and interlinked relationships between water, prosperity and peace, describing how progress in one dimension can have positive, often essential, repercussions on the others.

Coup de projecteur

Human Climate Horizons Data Platform

Because of human action the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is reaching dangerous levels, driving Earth's temperatures higher and amplifying the frequency and intensity of extreme events. Built upon frontier scientific work, this platform visualizes hyperlocal human impacts of climate chnage and its effets on human security for more than 24,000 regions across the world.

UN Efforts to Address Racism

“Racism is the repudiation of our common humanity — of the Charter of the United Nations — of all that we are and all that we do. We must reject racism,” said the Secretary-General António Guterres on 18 February 2021. See full message. 

Cartes d’information : l’action de l’ONU en 10 points

L’édition 2023 des cartes d’information propose une mise à jour de 10 actions entreprises par les Nations Unies qui montrent en termes quantifiables l’impact du travail quotidien du personnel de l’Organisation sur la vies de millions de personnes dans le monde. 

Translating the 2030 Agenda into national plans - a combined effort

There are indications that there has been a recent rise in the number of countries with some form of national development strategy or plan, aimed at implementing sustainable development across its economic, social and environmental dimensions. Read more