The Women, Peace and Security Agenda

UNSCR 1325 (2000) is the first UNSC resolution to link women’s experiences of conflict to the maintenance of peace and security. The resolution addresses the impact of war on women and women’s contributions to peace and security. It stresses the importance of women's equal and full participation as active agents in peace and security. It emphasizes the obligation of states to put an end to impunity and prosecute those responsible for war crimes, including those related to sexual violence against women and girls.

Since the year 2000, the Security Council has adopted nine resolutions to address the Women, Peace, and Security agenda.   These resolutions form the women, peace, and security agenda and serve as an international policy framework on WPS to guide work to promote and protect the rights of women in conflict and post-conflict situations.

The women, peace, and security agenda emphasize women’s full and meaningful participation in all peace processes. It also highlights the differential impact of armed conflict on women, girls, men, and boys. Furthermore, it notes that women should not only be victims of conflict and instability and acknowledges the role of women as active agents in both formal and informal peace-building and recovery processes.


UNOAU Gender Unit

Posted on 25th January 2022