STI Forum Policy Brief is out: Unlocking the Full Potential of Agricultural Transformation in LDCs: The Role of Traditional and Emerging Technologies

Hi everyone change-makers, frontier leaders, old schoolers and play-it-safers! Exciting news from the United Nations Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries!  Our latest policy brief, "Unlocking the Full Potential of Agricultural Transformation in LDCs: The Role Of Traditional And Emerging Technologies," by Federica Irene Falomi and Güneş Aykut Ergüler, is out now!

Top Highlights:

  1. Big Challenges, Smart Solutions: LDCs are grappling with critical issues like erratic weather patterns, soil degradation, and limited access to modern agricultural tools and techniques. Over 270 million people in LDCs suffer from severe food insecurity, with more than 51 million children stunted. As populations are projected to double by 2050, ensuring resilient and sustainable food systems is more urgent than ever.
  2. What needs and what solutions?: More Than Just Productivity: It’s not only about producing more food. Globally, we need to reduce food loss and waste, make food more accessible, and keep production sustainable. With LDC populations set to double by 2050, developing sustainable food systems is more important than ever.
  3. Technology Needs Assessments: Achieving transformative results requires comprehensive strategies for agricultural sector development. Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) are crucial starting points to identify the right mix of technologies tailored to specific contexts and needs. TNAs help pinpoint what tech is needed and recommend the best solutions available. Traditional Tech Solutions: Many traditional technologies have successfully increased food production, enhanced value addition along the supply chain, and reduced food loss in other regions. Examples include soil health management techniques, efficient irrigation systems, and cold storage facilities. These solutions are not yet widely accessible in LDCs but are crucial for addressing key areas of need.
  4. Emerging Tech Transformations: Emerging technologies like drones for precision farming, AI-driven crop monitoring, and blockchain for supply chain transparency are revolutionizing agriculture. For instance, drones can optimize irrigation and pesticide application, AI can predict crop diseases, and blockchain can enhance supply chain transparency, reducing losses and improving food safety. These innovations hold immense potential for LDCs, promising substantial gains in productivity and efficiency.
  5. Capacity Building and Enabling Environment: Investing in capacity building and creating an enabling environment is essential for technology adoption in LDCs. This involves equipping farmers with the skills to use both mature and cutting-edge technologies and fostering an innovation-friendly ecosystem. Strategic investments in areas like climate-smart agriculture and digital technologies for data access and exchange are critical for sustainable progress.

Curious to learn more? Dive into the full policy brief and see how we can transform agriculture in LDCs together: