Released: February 2016 

Country: United States 

Creator: Jeff Rake 

Lead Actor: Debra Messing 


The NBC comedy television series The Mysteries of Laura, starring Debra Messing as an NYPD detective, filmed scenes at the United Nations in January 2016 for an episode entitled The Mystery of the Political Operation. In the episode, NYPD suspects a threat to Carlos Ibanez, the heir-apparent to the Cuban presidency, who is coming to the UN to deliver an important speech on trade to the General Assembly. The episode was seen by more than 6 million viewers in the United States. 

CCOI's Role: 

CCOI provided feedback on the script, secured permission for The Mysteries of Laura to film at UN Headquarters, coordinated the negotiation of a location agreement between the UN and Warner Bros. Television, and made all logistical arrangements for the on-location filming. 

UN Locations: 

General Assembly Hall, rooftop of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library building , rooftop of the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) building , exterior of the UN Secretariat 

Related UN Issues: 

Sustainable Development Goal #8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth