27 - 30 May, 2024
St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda

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The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will be held from 27 to 30 May 2024 in St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, under the overarching theme of “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity." The Conference will seek to assess the ability of SIDS to achieve sustainable development, including the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It will result in an intergovernmentally agreed, focused, forward-looking, and action-oriented political outcome document.

Representatives of accredited non-governmental organizations, major groups, and other relevant stakeholders can now register to attend the SIDS4 Conference until 26 April 2024. Please note that there will be no on-site registration for stakeholders.

For more background information on the Conference, please visit https://sdgs.un.org/smallislands.


Which stakeholders can register to attend the SIDS4 Conference?

Non-governmental organizations, major groups, and other relevant stakeholder organizations that fall under the following categories will be able to request registration for their representatives to attend the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4):

1. Non-governmental organizations and major groups identified in Agenda 21 and other stakeholders in consultative status with ECOSOC. You can check if your organization has consultative status with ECOSOC here.

2. Organizations that were accredited to any of the following previous United Nations Conferences on SIDS (please click on the individual links below for details):

3. Organizations that have been granted special accreditation by the Preparatory Committee of the SIDS4 Conference (please check the approved list here).

For a consolidated list of organizations that received special accreditation to attend the SIDS4 Conference, please check here.


How to register

Representatives of NGOs in Consultative status with ECOSOC

Non-governmental organizations and major groups identified in Agenda 21 and other stakeholders in consultative status with ECOSOC. You can check if your organization has consultative status with ECOSOC here.

  1. Representatives of organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC should request for registration here: https://indico.un.org/event/1009967/

Representatives of specially accredited organizations

Organizations that were accredited to any of the following previous United Nations Conferences on SIDS (please click on the links for details or check the consolidated list here.

  1. Representatives of specially accredited organizations should request for registration here: https://indico.un.org/e/SIDS4Conf2024