2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Preparing for World Water Day 2014: Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability. 13-16 January 2014

Information briefs on Water and Energy

For the purposes of the Conference and in preparation for World Water Day 2014, the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) has produced a series of information briefs on different issues and tools.

  • Information brief on Water and Energy PDF document
    Water and energy are basic components of life, economic growth and human progress. This is a reality for the poor as securing access to both water and energy is still the cornerstone of alleviating poverty and breaking up the vicious circles and backwardness it creates. As well as for those already on the road towards development, where most of the growing demand for energy and food arises, and where making water and energy more abundant and accessible is an integral part of economic progress that comes through important challenges such as matching limited water and energy supplies with increasing demands and managing food security…
  • Information brief on Water and Energy EfficiencyPDF document
    Historically, efforts to improve water and energy (W&E) efficiency have been widely pursued separately. Improving efficiency from both the supply and the demand sides would allow countries to reduce resource scarcity and maximize the benefits provided by existing W&E infrastructure. Water efficiency is a multi faceted concept. It means “doing more and better with less” by obtaining more value with the available resources, by reducing the resource consumption and reducing the pollution and environmental impact of water use for the production of goods and services at every stage of the value chain and of water service provision…
  • Information brief on Securing Access to Water and EnergyPDF document
    Regardless of their stage of development, its location and even their resource endowments, every society faces problems with securing access to water and energy. For the poorest, where fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals is still pending, securing access to both water and energy is the cornerstone of alleviating poverty and breaking up the vicious circles of poverty and backwardness. In transition economies, making water and energy more abundant and accessible is an integral part of economic progress that comes about with important challenges such as matching limited water and energy supplies with increasing demands and managing food security…
  • Information brief on Water and Energy SustainabilityPDF document
    Development is a double-edged sword. Reducing poverty, triggering economic growth and building up a more inclusive society are outstanding collective achievements that come with new and bigger social and environmental challenges and with the need to reconcile the different objectives in the continuous quest of a sustainable development path . Success in economic growth requires harnessing the potential of ecosystems to satisfy the demands of water and energy which are essential for life as well as for the functioning of the many production and consumption processes where water and energy intervene as irreplaceable inputs…