13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

13th United Nations Congress
on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice

Doha, 12-19 April 2015


Interview with Yury Fedotov the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

19 Apr 2015 - In an interview with UN Radio Mr. Fedotov said the 13th Crime Prevention Congress is the most successful.

Interview: Don't allow children to get on the escalator of the criminal justice system

19 Apr 2015 - Avril Calder, President of the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates (IAYFJM) told UN Radio that the justice system is like an escalator if children got on it, they will find it very difficult to get off. IAYFJM which describes itself as the oldest non-governmental organization in the world, participated in the UN 13th Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

Interview: How can the UN make sure important recommendations get implemented?

19 Apr 2015 - During the UN Congress on Crime Prevention, the President of the General Assembly talked to UN Radio about the rule of law and development and how the UN can make sure the recommendations get implemented.

Criminals are "great innovators" says a UN official

19 Apr 2015 - Crime and conflict are inextricably linked according to a researcher from the United Nations University (UNU). John de Boer is Senior Policy Advisor on the role the academia can play in aiding the fight against crime at the UNU Centre for Policy Research. He says researchers need to think ahead in tackling criminals who are known as great innovators who respond very quickly to environmental changes. [Listen]

Interview on police reform: When and how should police use force

18 Apr 2015 - Christof Heyns Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: it’s important for the police to have proper training and equipment so they can play the role of the protectors of the people by making sure that the least amount of force is used.

Interview: Lower the demand on trafficking in culture property

18 Apr 2015 - Professor Duncan Chappell, the honorary professor in the faculty of law, University of Sydney spoke to UN Radio after a meeting on "Trafficking in Culture Property" during the UN Congress on Crime and Criminal Justice.

Interview: Should rehabilitating violent extremist offenders be a priority?

18 Apr 2015 - The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organized an event on the “rehabilitation violent extremist offenders” during the UN Congress on crime prevention and criminal justice in Doha. Patrick Fox, a retired prison governor in the UK who currently advices UNICRI spoke to UN Radio, after the event, about the importance of developing a counter narrative to what the extremists have been spreading out.

UN Radio Interview: Moving away from the death penalty

18 Apr 2015 - Ivan Simonovic, Assistant Secretary General for human rights spoke to UN Radio after moderating an event titled “Moving away from the death penalty” during the UN Congress on crime prevention and criminal justice. Mr. Simonovic said: “There’s no scientific evidence that the death penalty deterrence deters crimes anymore efficiently than a long sentences or a life without parole. It is possible to say it doesn't matter everybody can play with statistics. No, science is science. So far there are a lot of scientific research about death penalty and there’s no proof that this penalty does deter crime.”

Public-private partnerships needed to tackle cybercrime

17 Apr 2015 - It is estimated that over 1.8 billion images are uploaded and shared over the Internet daily, which makes it difficult to track down online child pornography. However, the US tech giant Microsoft is fighting back and has developed a new tool agencies to fight cybercrime which is distributed free of charge to law enforcement. [Listen]

Terrorist groups find new funding opportunities

16 Apr 2015 - Terrorist groups are finding new ways to raise funds for their extremist activities, according to a senior UN official dealing with the issue. UN Radio interviewed Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde, the Executive Director of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee during the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. [Listen]

Public-private partnerships needed to combat transnational cyber-crime

16 Apr 2015 - A strong partnership between the public and private sectors is needed in order to beat transnational cyber-crime. That's according to a senior director of the tech company Microsoft, who was speaking at the 13th UN Crime Congress currently underway in Doha Qatar. [Listen]

"Horrifying" report of hundreds of migrants missing off coast of Libya

15 Apr 2015 - Reports that hundreds of migrants are missing off the coast of Libya are "horrifying", according to a top UN crime prevention official. The UN Refugee Agency said the incident involves the capsizing of a boat on Monday in waters about 120 kilometres south of Italy’s Lampedusa Island. [Listen]

Initiative to support victims of human trafficking underfunded

14 Apr 2015 - More financing is needed to support a trust fund for victims of human trafficking, according to the United Nations. The issue was highlighted at a meeting of the 13th Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Doha, Qatar.The focus on Tuesday was on how to meet funding needs to assist victims of so called "modern-day slavery". [Listen]

"No development" without rule of law

14 Apr 2015 - Development is not possible without rule of law according to the President of the UN General Assembly. Sam Kutesa spoke at the 13th UN Crime Congress. One of the issues being discussed is wildlife crime, including the poaching and illicit trafficking of wild fauna and flora. Reem Abaza asked Mr Kutesa how wildlife crime, development and the rule of law are interrelated [Listen]

No lasting peace without human rights and rule of law

13 Apr 2015 - Lasting peace and sustainable development cannot be fully realized without respect for human rights and the rule of law, according to the head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Yury Fedotov was speaking at an event at the 13th Crime Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. [Listen]

Human rights culture would reduce crime say youth

13 Apr 2015 - More than 160 students from around the world have been discussing how they can shape international law and public policy on justice issues. Memoonah Zainab from the United Kingdom is in Doha where she presented the views of youth to the Congress [Listen]

Wildlife and forest crime debated at UN Congress in Doha

13 Apr 2015 - According to top UN officials attending the 13th Crime Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Doha, Qatar, wildlife and forest crime deserves prompt attention from governments and civil society worldwide. These crimes are reportedly part of a rapidly growing industry and yield enormous profits for criminal networks. [Listen]

Education is key to long-term crime prevention

11 Apr 2015 - The role of education in fighting crime will be highlighted at the upcoming UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Dmitri Vlassis, the Executive Secretary of the Congress, says it is the first time policy-makers will discuss how to better involve the public in creating more just societies [Listen]

Interview with Dimitri Vlassis, Executive Secretary of the Crime Congress

Dimitri Vlassis, Executive Secretary of the Crime Congress, discusses the theme of the 13th Crime Congress, achievements of prior Congresses and his expectations for Doha with Stephanie Kramer [Download mp3 file]

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