13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

13th United Nations Congress
on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice

Doha, 12-19 April 2015

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Questions and answers

The Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice is hosted by the Government of Qatar and will take place in Doha from 12-19 April 2015. United Nations Crime Prevention Congresses have been held every five years since 1955 in different parts of the world, dealing with a vast array of topics. They have made a considerable impact on the field of international crime prevention and criminal justice and influenced national policies and professional practices. As a global forum, the Congresses enable the exchange of information and best practices among States and professionals working in this field. Their overall goal is to promote more effective crime prevention policies and criminal justice measures all over the world [Download Factsheet 1: Questions and answers pdf]

The State of Crime and Criminal Justice Worldwide

People living in low-income countries suffer the biggest threats to their security and well-being, according to the Secretary-General’s 2015 report on the state of crime and criminal justice worldwide. The report gives an overview of the major global and regional trends for different types of crime and includes an analysis on intentional homicide, gender-based killings of women and girls, bribery, human trafficking and wildlife crime [Download Factsheet 2: The State of Crime and Criminal Justice Worldwide pdf]

Successes and challenges in strengthening the rule of law to support sustainable development

Effective crime prevention and well-functioning justice institutions are critical to building peace and consolidating development gains. In short, the rule of law is indispensable for sustainable development. The intimate connection between the rule of law and human rights is also widely recognized, with reforms targeting access to justice, corruption, freedom of the press and the independence of the judiciary [Download Factsheet 3: Successes and challenges in strengthening the rule of law to support sustainable development pdf]

Combating transnational organized crime through better international cooperation

The globalization of criminal activities has created a need for strengthened forms of international cooperation. The investigation, prosecution and control of crime cannot be confined within national boundaries. To keep pace with contemporary forms of crime, including transnational organized crime, corruption and terrorism we need improved and streamlined mechanisms [Download Factsheet 4: Combating transnational organized crime through better international cooperation pdf]

New and emerging forms of crime: threats the world must reckon with

The speed of technological advancement, increasing globalization, and the exponential growth of global markets have created opportunities for criminal activities often with a low risk of detection and using new forms of anonymity. Preventing and combating new and emerging crimes is a challenging task [Download Factsheet 5: New and emerging forms of crime: threats the world must reckon with pdf]

The role of the public in strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice

To tackle crime effectively, communities need to be consulted on the problems they face and how to tackle them. Involving the public presents challenges as well as opportunities but can lead to greater trust in the criminal justice system [Download Factsheet 6: The role of the public in strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice pdf]

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