Analyzing Atrocity Crimes

The Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes is a methodological early warning tool developed to systematise the collection of information on the risk factors associated with genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as to provide consistency in the assessment of information and the risk of those crimes. The Framework can be used by all actors involved in atrocity prevention. It can be downloaded as a publication or as an official UN document (A/70/741–S/2016/71).

The Office prepares an assessment of the risk of atrocity crimes based on collected information. The Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes assists integrated and consistent analysis of the risk of atrocity crimes worldwide.

The Office also actively works to enhance the overall capacity of the United Nations system to identify, from the perspective of the different relevant mandates of the organisation, early warning signs of the risk of atrocity crimes, including hate speech trends (online and offline) as a risk factor per the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech.

The Office’s work on early warning of atrocity crimes is based on the premise that these crimes do not happen overnight. They are processes; they require planning and preparation. There are warning signs, and common risk factors, both structural and dynamic, that can lead to or enable the commission of these crimes. Once the risk factors are detected, it will be possible to identify measures that can be taken by States and the international community to reduce the likelihood of atrocity crimes occurring.