Preventing Genocide Newsletter: Spotlight on Countering Hate Speech edition

News and Events

Key Documents

Framework of Analysis for ATROCITY CRIMES A tool for prevention

Key tool developed by the Office to assess the risk of atrocity crimes as well as atrocity prevention capacities and strategies. The Office encourages its use by international, regional and national actors.

PLAN OF ACTION for Religious Leaders and Actors to Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Atrocity Crimes

The Plan of Action is intended to be a programmatic tool. It aims at informing and advising the work of religious leaders and actors, as well as other relevant players, and providing options and recommendations for ways in which they can contribute to preventing incitement to violence.

Combating Holocaust and Genocide Denial: Protecting Survivors, Preserving Memory, and Promoting Prevention

Hate speech has been known to stigmatize, marginalize, enable discrimination as well as incite hate crimes and large-scale violence. Genocide and Holocaust denial is often tied to hate speech, specifically when the aim is to target individuals or groups based on specific identity factors.

guidance note cover

Guidance Note 1
