Vaccinations and COVID-19 Funding for Landlocked Developing Countries


NOTE: The data presented was for the Most Vulnerable 91 campaign in 2021. It is not being updated regularly.


The icon of the lightbulb How to use the dashboard? 

  • To navigate the pages of the dashboard, click on the page navigation at the bottom of the dashboard <  > to activate the pop-out menu. 

  • The first two pages of the dashboard shows data related to COVID-19 vaccines (at least one dose), followed by data on COVID-19 related funding by international partners and thereafter individual country profiles. 

  • The dashboard can be shared using the social media icons on the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard. 

  • To view the dashboard in full screen mode, click the double arrow at the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard. 

US$17 billion has  been  spent by international partners to support the Landlocked Developing Countries in tackling COVID-19 

Funding by international partners to tackle COVID-19

By April 2021:

  • US$17 billion had been spent by international partners to support the Landlocked Developing Countries, an increase of US$13 billion from August 2020.
  • 23% of COVID-19 related funding for all developing countries was spent on the Landlocked Developing Countries, an increase of 12% from August of 2020.



By June 2021:

  • Only 5% of the combined population of LLDCs have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (counted as a single dose or more), or 27 million people out of a total of over half a billion.
  • This is 1% of global COVID-19 vaccine doses, in a set of countries that hold 7% of the world’s population.
  •  For every 1,000 people living in LLDCs, just 51 have received a vaccine dose.

There is a stark gap between vaccination roll out in different countries. Several wealthy countries have secured enough doses to vaccinate their populations multiple times over. On the other hand, some of the poorest and most vulnerable countries including those which are least developed, landlocked and small islands have yet to administer a single vaccine dose. LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS are primarily relying on the COVAX vaccine sharing arrangement to provide two billion doses by the end of 2021.


The COVID-19 crisis is also severely shrinking remittance inflows as many migrant workers have lost jobs and have returned to their home countries.  

Remittances to LLDCs are projected to fall by more than 20 per cent, representing a loss of a crucial financing lifeline for many vulnerable households. The economies of most LLDCs depend to some degree on remittances from abroad, and several LLDCs with a high percentage of remittances to GDP are particularly vulnerable. 

These including Kyrgyzstan, for whom 29.2% of their economy is due to remittances, Lesotho (21.3%), Nepal (27.3%), South Sudan (34.4%) and Tajikistan (28.2%).

Transport and Trade

LLDCs are being impacted, among other things, by declines in commodity prices, challenges in transit, loss of export revenue, investment and remittances along with plummeting tourism, with long-term ripple effects.  

The International Transport Forum projects that global freight transport (outside of cities) would fall by 36% in 2020. WTO estimates that world merchandise trade is expected to plummet by between 13% and 32%.  

Due to LLDCs’ geographical location and their reliance on transit countries for exports and import of goods, restrictive measures at borders aimed at curtailing the spread of COVID-19 greatly affect movement of goods to and from LLDCs. 

The LLDCs’ losses in export earnings will be compounded by the sharp decline in commodity prices, which is estimated to be 37 per cent this year according to UNCTAD. This leaves them more vulnerable than ever to these new shocks and disturbances.  




The health systems of LLDCs are among the weakest in the world and they are also critically dependent on imported medical and pharmaceutical products. A 2016 analysis ranked 195 countries for their vulnerability to infectious disease. Fifty percent of the LLDCs are in the top 50 countries estimated to be most vulnerable to infectious disease.

The icon of the lightbulb How to use the dashboard? 
  • To navigate the pages of the dashboard, click on the page navigation at the bottom of the dashboard <  > to activate the pop-out menu. 
  • The first four pages of the dashboard shows data related to the country group and thereafter the individual country profiles. 
  • The dashboard can be shared using the social media icons on the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard. 
  • To view the dashboard in full screen mode, click the double arrow at the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard.