Summary Statement and Annual Notification

In accordance with rule 11 of the Provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General communicates each week to the members of the Security Council a summary statement of matters of which the Council is seized and of the stage reached in their consideration. The first summary statement of each year identifies items which have not been considered by the Council in a formal meeting during the preceding three-year period and which are therefore presently subject to deletion unless a Member State requests their retention. The first summary statement of each month contains a full, updated list of items of which the Security Council is seized. In intervening weeks, the weekly addenda to the summary statement list only those items on which further action was taken by the Council during the previous week. The most recent complete summary statement that contains a full list of items seized is available below:

  • Summary statement by the Secretary-General on matters of which the Security Council is seized and on the stage reached in their consideration (S/2024/10 Document PDF)

In accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (2) of the Charter of the United Nations, the Secretary-General, with the consent of the Security Council, notifies the General Assembly, on an annual basis, of matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security which are being dealt with by the Security Council or with which the Council has ceased to deal. The latest notification statement is available below:

  • Notification by the Secretary-General under Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations (A/78/300)